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Emilie was planning on going with Harry in the morning but when she knocked on his door and got no answer, she decided to just go alone. It was already nine in the morning, so this was when most people got to work. She was used to waking up early to take care of Sam's breakfast so not having any responsibilities felt like weight off her shoulders.

She went to the apartment and she lightly knocked on the door. When there was no answer, she knocked harder. Then she proceeded to pound her fist on the door.

She could hear what he was saying get louder and he took his sweet time getting the door,

"What do you want!" Benny yelled at his eye level, then lowered it to her eye level, "Emilie why are you at my house so early?" He was wearing just pants and a robe which personally caught Emilie a tad off guard. Her cheeks warmed as she tried to explain that,

"We're doing work so I thought I should get here at a workman's hour," She cleared her throat and walked in despite the lack of invitation.

"Okay then," he muttered as he closed the door again.

She took off her long jacket revealing her outfit. She had a white blouse hidden beneath a light teal wool blazer, "Did you make coffee yet?"

When he didn't really answer, she walked into the kitchen and found it easily,

"Oh for sure just help yourself," he said sarcastically.

"I will," she turned around and gave him a mocking smile. She took a sip and said to herself, "Just like I remember," and proceeded to drink more. They sat in relative silence for a while, before Emilie asked, "When is everyone else coming?"

"Wouldn't you know when Harry's coming already?"

"Well I knocked on his door this morning and there was no answer, probably jet lag or something,"

"It's the same time zone," Benny interjected

"I know but let's just pretend I didn't accidentally come here too early and am now stuck until more people arrive, when are your friends coming?"

"Well I said they could come anytime past ten," he eyed her before saying, "I normally enjoy some quiet time.

"Oh." she said shortly, choosing to occupy her mouth with drinking her coffee then continuing the excruciating conversation.

More silence happened, she kept her eyes trained at her hands or her feet or the table or really anything but the person in front of her. She looked up a couple times and after she consistently caught his gaze a few times she realized he had his eyes trained on her. Like he was waiting for her to do something. So she elegantly raised her glass of coffee as if making a silent toast to something, but inelegantly spilled the contents of her mug onto her blazer, "Shit,"

He quietly laughed at her as she removed the stained garment. She didn't notice but there were a couple of times where he tried to start saying something but stopped himself before any sound came out. What he finally decided on saying didn't have the smoothest transition.

"So you got divorced?"

She almost spit out her coffee onto her shirt. She still had Beth to be direct with her but she had gotten a tad used to people talking around stuff, being indirect was certainly not something you really had to worry about when talking to Benny.

"Yeah, I did,"

"Oh." He nodded, it was obvious he suppressed the smile that wanted to grow on his face.

"I divorced him," she clarified further.

"Oh." he said again but the simple fact she initiated it made it harder to hide that pride.

"You can say something besides oh."

"Oh yeah,"

"Unlike you to be rendered relatively speechless Mr. Watts,"

"I'm not speechless or anything it's just-"

"Come on, when have you ever not said what you're thinking when it comes to my relationships," Benny was a little offended,

"I was involved in one of those relationships and I wouldn't say I really meddled in your relationships,"

"Sure whatever you want to say," she started to pace as she drank her coffee.

"Any influence I had was from an action you took," he added.

"Benny, let's move on and talk about something else now okay,"

"Sorry, you have issues talking about your other issues,"

"You don't need to worry about any of my issues, and I am aware of all of my stuff," she was now starting to get irritated with his bugging, even though she made him talk about it more.

"No need to get your panties all up in a bunch now," he said leaning back in his chair. She leaned over the table and grabbed the top of his robe,

"Oh honey, don't start talking about panties when I can get you all in a mess just by taking my hair down at the right moment,"

"You know the whole grabbing collars and stuff, and reminiscing... this really reminds me of our relationship, the whole lustful bickering, and this moment reminds me of our first kiss," she let go of him, "You seem to remember that well don't you," She turned on her heel and began pacing again,

"Well, you were reminded enough of the very start of it, yesterday when I beat you at the game you make your living at,"

Benny took a look at the clock. It was 9:50, they had spent half an hour going between bickering and silence.

"That was luck!" He declared. She knew exactly how to get on his nerves. He continued on, "Besides it's not like you're bad at chess or anything,"

"Aw thank you so much sweetie!" she added jeeringly.

"You're welcome!" he chided back.

The silence set in again. It's not like they were actually that mad, but rather it was like this was one of the only things they could really do at this point.

"Do you want more coffee?" she asked politely.

"Uh yeah sure," he handed her his cup. She walked to the kitchen and poured a couple cups. Then a loud pounding came from the door, she jumped and let out a little streik. There was now coffee on her, she glanced at the clock. It was 10:10 now. So it could be any of the boys at the door.

"Look what you've done now!" Benny said jokingly.

"Benny Watts, you are going to turn around while I soak my shirt because this will stain,"

"Love a good show," he added as a taunt.

"Well if you look just know that means I won whatever argument we just had,"

He put his hands up in surrender, turning around.

She took it off and tried to soak it in the sink, it wasn't working well. She kept on looking back just to check, but every time she did all she saw was poster child Benny Watts, whistling and looking everywhere but at her. To be completely honest, it was nice but she was a little disappointed he didn't even peek. Just because she didn't know it doesn't mean he didn't peek though. He still hadn't gotten the door so the people on the other side just announced they'd use the key they had.

They walked into Benny only clad in a robe and a shirtless Emilie.

"I knew you guys dated but-" Arthur stated and gave them a knowing look before turning him and his friend around so Emilie could find something to cover herself.

Emilie scurried to Benny's room and grabbed one of the shirts from in there. Before announcing,

"You guys are good,"

"Wait, you two dated?" Hilton said before receiving an elbow to the ribs from Benny.

"Good Morning Boys," Emilie greeted with a smile. 

This day was already chaotic as hell but it was just getting started.

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