~Chapter 01~

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A month later

As I entered the gargantuan building of my new workplace, I couldn't help but be in awe at the cornucopia of the dedicated employees moving about with an air of austerity, the sounds of orders and phone calls reverberating through the walls and the intricately designed infrastructure making me wonder of the hard working architects and their men.

The lobby was filling in with people of all ages as it was the checking-in time. I followed my way toward the advertising department with the help of the map handed to me by the receptionist across the entry gate.

After cruising left and right and taking an elevator ride, I was finally on the correct floor.

Patting my curls and the invisible creases on my shirt and pants, I took a deep breath in and headed inside my designated department. I was in an overwrought state because it was my first time looking at such a crowded workplace. I was instantly filled with the excitement to work here. Looking at their speed to get things done made me feel like I'd done absolutely nothing in the past five years.

Guess this is how it feels like to be in the presence of important people but I am loving it, I thought giddily.

"Hello?" Someone asked from beside me, bringing me out of my thoughts. I glanced up to see a woman in her early thirties, giving me a confused glance. "You new here?"

I was about to reply to her when suddenly a new voice entered our vicinity. "You must be Valerie Jones." Turning to my left, I saw another woman in her late fifties with a really crispy voice. She's tall and skinny with imperceptible wrinkles on her face. There was no sign of humor in her expression because of her thin, straight lips and a huge nose. "I'll handle this, Samantha. You can go back to finishing your work."

Samantha nodded at that and left without another word.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied with a small smile. She's Katherine Maxwell and from what I've collected, she is the head of this bustling department, meaning my new boss. She's the senior content editor and account manager, infamously known for her shrewd personality.

I still remembered the day she'd interviewed me, accompanied by the other Human Resources personnel and was exuding a really strong aura. I must admit that I was intimidated just by looking at her elongated face and deep set eyes.

She is a linchpin, alright.

"You-you remember my name?" I asked in disbelief while she just gave me a blank look.

"Don't offend me, Ms. Jones. I may be old but I am not senile. I remember names," she spoke in a clipped tone. "Besides, you have an impressive CV."

My eyes widened and I grinned at her last statement. Collecting myself together, I tried to school my features into that of professionalism. "You think I'm impressive?" Wrong move.

She completely ignored my question and turned around to walk away. Just when I thought that she had left me stranded on my spot, she called out from over her shoulder, "Follow me, Ms. Jones."

Not wanting her to think reproachfully of me, I followed her with a quickened pace to match her long strides. Even though she seemed evil, I could tell that she's kind. Or maybe, I was saying that because according to her, I am "impressive".

"Each employee's allotted their own cubicle and has a computer stationed on their desk," Katherine Maxwell explained to me, pointing around with her finger.

Like she said, the whole room was filled with cubicles. Some were occupied while a few of them were empty. The size of one could fit almost two people and I was instantly happy to have a personal space of my own unlike the other agencies I had worked at where there was hardly any space to even breathe.

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