~Chapter 36~

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Parking the car in his garage, Skye unbuckled his seatbelt and I followed suit. The images of our day together continued buzzing through my head and I found myself thinking about it over and over.

After our ride in the hot air balloon, Skye and I had spent our day talking about casual stuff as we had stopped for brunch before hanging out for a few hours in the park. During lunch, he'd taken me to a small, chic restaurant and later we drove around the city without any care in the world.

All throughout the day, he treated me so well that I couldn't stop myself from clinging onto his arm like a koala. He didn't even once object to me about it and I was really grateful for that. We weren't official yet but it was pretty damn better than that. We were at our own pace, not forcing the other person to make things clear about our relationship.

I was beyond sure about my feelings but I wanted Skye to be comfortable as well. I didn't want to rush and perplex him over what we have going on for us now.

I had been praying the whole time for this day to just keep on extending. Whether my prayers were heard or not, I couldn't tell but Skye said he wanted to show me something at his place. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't eager to spend more time with him.

Both Skye and I exited his car before walking outside the garage. I tightened his jacket around me as soon as we were out in the open, chilly night.

However I stumbled internally as he headed straight toward his house instead of taking the route leading to the tree house. I dismissed the thought thinking he might use the backdoor like I had done once.

We were quiet as he rang the doorbell. I was itching to ask him where and what exactly he wanted to show me but I knew that he wouldn't tell me. "So…" I began, my eyes darting about everywhere but him. I don't know why I was feeling so shy all of a sudden.

"So?" His amused voice resonated in the tranquil night.

The door opened, giving me a graceful save from saying something that I had no idea of either.

Sophia, Skye's cute housekeeper, opened the door. As soon as she saw us, she began hopping on her short legs. "Oh, Skye! And… oh, my. I am really sorry but I forgot your name," she said with so much distress that one would think she had lost her dear pet.

"No worries, Sophia. I am Valerie," I replied, laughing.

"Now I feel even more terrible because you remember my name." She grimaced.

"Sophia," Skye admonished her gently. "Stop worrying about it."

Her jovial visage was back and she nodded her head vigorously. "Come on in!" She exclaimed enthusiastically and began trotting ahead of us.

"I am sorry, she's just a ball of extreme emotions," Skye told me, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Don't apologize. She's so adorable," I cooed, punching his shoulder lightly.

He glared at me teasingly while rubbing his shoulder as if I hit him with a snow mountain. "I agree though," he said, referring to Sophia. "Hey, Sophia?"

Sophia stopped abruptly and turned around to look at Skye. "Yeah?"

"We'll be heading over to my room for some time," he informed her and her eyes widened comically like those of a cartoon.

The moment his words registered in my brain, I understood Sophia's stupefied countenance. His room?! I screamed in my head. Was I dreaming and taking it in the wrong sense? "Your room?!" I didn't mean to but my voice reached an octave higher than I had intended it to.

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