~Chapter 05~

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My lips stretched into an ear splitting grin because I'd been looking forward to meeting my dad since the past few months.

As I cruised my way toward the famous brasserie on Lexington Avenue, I couldn't help but think about the last time I'd seen him. My dad, Robert Jones, is the senior head content editor for the election campaigns of the US senator Henry Craig. His sight for creativity in almost every aspect of his career put him where he deserves to be.

As soon as I was done with my high school, he took the offer to work for the election's advertising campaigns and moved to Washington DC and has become one of the most renowned names in the advertising world ever since.

It's always been just the two of us and after our lives got hectic, it became quite difficult for us to meet frequently. Days turned into weeks and then months and now it's been a year and a half since our last meet up.

My converse softly padded on the stone ground while I searched for a familiar face. I perched my sunglasses on my head the moment I spotted my dad.

I sprinted toward where he was seated out in the open, his back facing me. His posture was hunched over, probably engrossed in his cell phone.

The fall was near which was why the sun's heat wasn't so harsh and sitting out in the open seemed more than appealing. The reason why he must have chosen the spot outside.

"Hey, dad!" I wrapped my arms around his neck from behind and lightly pecked him on his cheek. Not seeming fazed by my actions, he glanced up at me.

He patted my arms as his raucous laughter filled my ears. It took me back to the old days and how his laugh would put me at ease. I sat opposite him with a huge smile and he mirrored my expression. "Val, my favorite human!"

"It's good to finally see you, dad," I said, rolling my eyes with a small smile still playing on my lips.

"Likewise, Val." He grinned, his eyes crinkling with effulgence.

Chuckling, I folded my arms on the table and looked at him expectantly. "So… how have you been? And how's the capital treating you?"

"I am good! Happy actually," he answered in his scratchy voice. When I looked over at him closely, he really did look relaxed and his eyes were twinkling with mirth. The way his lips were curved upwards the whole time was a sign that his happiness exceeded more than working for the senator. "Tell me about yourself. Does New York feel home yet?"

"You don't even have to ask," I chirped with a bubbling giggle. "I love it here and..." I drawled the last part intentionally to ignite his anticipation. "Your daughter finally snagged a position in her favorite company!" 

We both probably looked like maniacs, exclaiming like we were. I don't know what it was but half our sentences were just that. Maybe a year and a half apart was filling us up with exuberance.

"Like you won't believe it but I am a copywriter in the ZAE Inc's advertising department," I gushed excitedly while my dad sported a serene smile.

"Actually, honey, I'd like to correct you there. I do believe in you working in one of the best enterprises," he said, his emotions taking over. I could see the pride glistening in his blue eyes. "But I'm mad that you never told me about this clink." He feigned anger while sipping on his lemonade.

"That's because I just joined two days ago. Plus, I wanted to give this news to you in person."

He nodded his head in understanding and before he could say something, a barista placed a glass of lemonade in front of me along with the other goodies. The delectable snacks urged me to take a bite of each. My dad followed suit and we both beamed in appreciation.

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