~Chapter 49~

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Once we were outside the exhibition hall, Skye walked us to some "quieter area" or at least that's what he had told me. He had also asked me to put all my belongings inside the car itself as he did the same. Being a reluctant person when it came to the rain, Skye had asked one of his guards to give me an umbrella. He said that they kept some with them to help him hide from the paparazzi.

Me being me, I held onto the gigantic umbrella over both our heads as we continued walking. The only noises that could be heard were our squelchy shoes and the harsh raindrops.

I don't know why I said that he should show me the fun of being under the rain because every time the drops were landing anywhere on my body, I flinched. Maybe he had influenced my mind but whatever it was, I was regretting saying that.

"Val, let loose," Skye began. "Just imagine this as your art therapy session. Only this time, it's the rain water."

I sighed and nodded my head. I noticed Skye taking us inside what seemed to be a huge football ground. It was completely deserted, not a single human out here in the unrelenting phenomenon.

"Alright, so follow me, okay?" With that said, he stood in front of me, still under the umbrella and began walking backwards, taking slow steps. He was doing that purposely to increase my anxiousness because I was literally crossing my fingers.

I wouldn't say that I hated rain but I've always avoided it because it could never be a pleasant day to get wet before reaching to school, work or anywhere for that matter. Maybe that's what stuck with me even today.

Skye stretched out his arms at his side as he spun on his heel to get outside the shade of the umbrella and began getting drenched on the spot. Turning back around to face me, he began tap dancing and damn did he know what he was doing.

His blonde hair was sticking on his forehead, making him exude that boyish aura. His eyes were sparkling like two glistening diamonds because of those tiny, little droplets caught on by his lashes. His thick sweater was sagging but nothing seemed to bother him.

With a smile that showed his perfect teeth, he quickly did a spin while standing on his left leg before doing a sleek moonwalk.

That certainly brought a laugh out of me. "Now you're just showing off!" I rolled my eyes with a smile plastered on my lips.

"Of course, I am! Come on, babe, join me," he called out to me against the loud rainfall and winked when he saw my mouth agape.

I was astounded when he referred to me as "babe". It was as if he was becoming more and more open with me by using the endearments like "sweetheart" and "babe". "I am not so sure…" I trailed off, biting my lip.

I saw him exhaling loudly before he made his way toward me with a stern countenance. As soon as he saw my hesitance, he jogged up to me and took my free hand in his hand while he placed the other on the one holding the umbrella.

I felt him tugging the umbrella and with trembling hands, I let it go. Skye still held it above my head, waiting for my approval. I nodded my head as I blew out air through my lips. "Okay," I hushed out a whisper.

He need not be told twice as he swiftly put down the umbrella. Holding both my hands, he stood in front of me and continued staring at me.

The pressure of the rain made my eyes flutter and squint before I completely closed them. I pursed my lips as I could feel my clothes getting all soaked. The irritational itch to throw them off and get into the soft comfort of my robe was too much that I literally shivered.

"Who would have known that the determined, competitive Valerie Jones is scared of something like the rain?" He teased, bumping his shoulder with mine.

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