Chapter 7: Morning Preparations

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The world was nothing but darkness. There was no lights, only shadows. In front of me was another unfamiliar figure. This time it was an old inkling man. Almost as old as Octavio. He was leaning on some kind of bamboo cane. His body seemed to have shriveled up but he was still able to walk with the help of that cane. He wore a military like uniform that was decorated with medals. I felt like I knew him personally just like that other girl Marie. Even though I don't recall ever meeting him.

I instinctively ran forward and hugged the old stranger. Why did I do that? Was it for safety? From what? The old man responded by holding me close and patting my back. It was comforting and I didn't want the moment to end. Unfortunately, I felt myself being pulled away by some unseen force. I desperately held the old man. I didn't want to be taken. However the unseen force was too strong and I could feel my grip loosening until I was forced to let go. I felt myself get thrown into the darkness never to be seen again. Then the world began to fade away, like one reality replacing another.

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar bed and an unfamiliar room. I could feel my head pounding from another headache. I grabbed my shades from the nightstand and put them on. I felt the headache fade away. I looked around the pink room trying to get my bearings. Then I remembered what happened the night before, I wanted to wake up early today. Today was the day Octavio would tell me about my past.

I got out of bed and walked to the door still in my pajamas. I pulled it open and saw Sebastian sleeping next to the door. I smiled, this is my chance to pull a harmless prank on him. I slowly and quietly squeezed through the open door and stood next to him.

I yelled. "Good morning Sebastian!"

Sebastian was startled. "Ahh! Princess!" He immediately straightened himself and saluted. "I- I wasn't sleeping on the job."

I giggled. Seeing him get startled like that was kind of cute. "Relax. I just wanted to know when we would go to the throne room. I am so excited." I squealed.

Sebastian took a more casual stance and spoke more softly. "As soon as you're ready we can leave. If you need some help, I can call for some maids."

"It's fine. I can handle it myself." I told him.

"I'll be waiting here if you need me." Sebastian replied.

I closed the door and went to the bathroom. I took off my clothes then quickly showered. Once I got out and dried myself, I brushed my teeth. Everything was going well until I opened the wardrobe. There were too many choices. I thought about how I could eliminate some of the choices. If I was going to the throne room I should dress formally. Perhaps one of the kimonos then. I looked at the kimonos for a few minutes but I wasn't really confident with any of my options. So I went back to the door to talk with Sebastian.

"Hey Sebastian, I could use some help. I can't really decide how I should look." I informed him.

"Say no more Callie. The maids will take care of it." Sebastian held a finger on his right hand to his right ear. He had a small earpiece I never noticed. "The Princess has requested some help getting ready for today." He said to whoever was on the other side. He paused then turned to me. "The maids will be here soon. They'll take care of everything. Just wait here." he said with a friendly smile which put me at ease.

I waited alone in my room. Every second I waited was agonizing. I really wanted to get this done so I can meet Octavio in the throne room. When the maids finally showed up, they slowly walked into my room in single file and bowed to me. There were three of them.

"Princess, you asked for help getting ready?" one of the maids asked.

I nodded uncomfortably. It felt weird seeing the servants bow to me. Despite my best effort, I could never get used to being treated like royalty. Maybe something in my past would explain that feeling.

The maids guided me to a large mirror set up next to the wardrobe. They tied my tentacles into a bow at the back of my head. Two of my tentacles were so long, they reached past my waist. One of the maids chose a kimono for me and the rest helped me get in it. Then they put a clip with a flower on one of my tentacles. After they were finished adjusting my outfit, they backed off so I could admire the results.

"You look beautiful Princess." one of the maids told me.

I looked at the mirror and started to blush. I was in a black and pink kimono. There was a pink flower on my tentacle. The shades I wore matched the outfit. It really was a sight to behold. "Thank you for your help. You may go." I told them.

The maids bowed and left the room in a single file line. Before going to the throne room I wanted to see Sebastian's reaction to my new look. I leaned against the door. "Sebastian, please come inside." I said hoping he could hear me through the door. I quickly went to the center of my room and waited for him to come in.

A few seconds later, Sebastian opened the door. "Is something wrong...?" Sebastian trailed off when he saw me. Although he did his best to keep a neutral expression, I could see he was blushing.

"You... you look... beautiful!" Sebastian stuttered. I was enjoying every moment seeing him like this.

I decided to strike a pose. I raised right hand above my shoulder and kept the left at shoulder level with both my hands hanging. I raised my right leg behind me just high enough so he would notice I was standing on one leg. I smiled and winked at him. "Stay fresh!" Where did that come from? Why did I blurt out that phrase? Why did it seem so familiar? It seems like everything I do always creates more questions.

"Ahem!" Sebastian finally managed to compose himself. "You look beautiful Callie. Are you ready to go?" he asked in a more professional tone.

It was fun while it lasted. "Yes let's go." I answered.

Sebastian led me out of my room and through the halls to a set of double doors. "Are you ready?" he asked me.

I nodded, barely able to contain my excitement. Sebastian then opened the door to the throne room. This was it. Time to learn about my past.

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