Chapter 30: Very Important Prisoner

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I managed to make it to the prison without incident. As far as I understood I was completely undetected. Which was surprising considering how many guards and security cameras were in the palace itself. Maybe my cover was already blown and they were preparing to ambush me. Either way I've come too far to turn back. I could hear voices on the other side. I couldn't make out what they were saying but it sounded like they were having a casual conversation. That meant all the guards in the next room were most likely inexperienced recruits. This was perfect.

I threw open the door. This caused the guards to jump. At least I had the element of surprise on my side. There were four of them. Three were standing close to each other behind a desk and the last was next to me on my left.

The one next to me fell to the ground and I performed a horizontal swing. The three guards were all caught in the splashing ink and were splatted. Before the last surviving guard could stand up I charged over her with my roller. Splatting her instantly. Then the room was quiet. I was extremely lucky. If there had been at least one elite octoling in the room, my plan likely would have failed.

I heard a voice coming from behind the desk. "Security to Prison Level. What was all that? Report!"

I rushed to answer. "Uh... everything's under control. Situation normal."

"There's some kind of disturbance in your area. The cameras are covered in ink. What happened?" The operator replied.

I had to think quickly. "We were just trying to pass the time. Someone got excited and shot ink all over the place but everything is perfectly alright now. We're fine... we're all fine here now thank you. How are you?"

"We're sending a team over." The operator declared.

"Uh negative. We've got to make sure the prisoner is still secured. Give us a few minutes to check." I replied hoping to buy a little more time.

"Who is this? What's your identification number?" The operator demanded.

"Uhh..." I couldn't come up with an answer so I swung my roller at the communicator causing it to malfunction. I knew I didn't have much time before reinforcements arrived. I had to get Marie and get out quickly. I ran to the VIP cell and noticed there was another octoling in there. He was holding a set of dualies and was fixated on Marie.

"I may not be able to hurt you but there are ways I can hurt Callie. She has become attached to one person here. Maybe I'll have you all in the interrogation room later today. Before your brainwashing of course." I knew that voice. It was Kevin.

"What do you mean?" Marie asked. Then her head very slightly shifted in my direction.

Kevin did not answer. Instead he abruptly turned his head and saw me standing at the door. He stood up and prepared for a fight. "Well now. Isn't this a great reunion."

"I'm here to get Marie out of here." I stated. Roller in hand, ready to fight.

Kevin looked annoyed. "I turned off the spawn point just so I could stage a tragic accident during Marie's interrogation. Then you show up. No matter, I only need one of you dead. After that Octavio would be able to-."

I interrupted his monologue by swinging my roller at him. It caught him off guard since he wasn't expecting me to attack while he was monologuing. Kevin dodged to the side and threw a burst bomb at me. I knew I could survive a single hit so I let it hit me so I could focus on hitting him with a second horizontal swing. He got caught in the splash but neither of us was splatted. I knew I could not survive a second hit so I risked everything. I jumped at him trying to land a vertical swing. He didn't expect me to make such an aggressive move and I managed splat him just before he could throw a second burst bomb.

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