Chapter 29: Loss of Sebastian

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The octoling shoved me into my room. As I went in, I lost my footing and fell on my side. I heard her laugh as she closed and locked the door. At least she had the decency to untie me before throwing me in. I pushed myself up and ran to the door. I tried to open it but no matter what, the handle wouldn't turn. Giving up on opening the door normally, I began throwing myself at the door hoping someone on the other side would be willing to open the door. I had to get out of here and help Marie. Who knows what they're doing to her?

"Hello? Anybody out there? Let me out! Please..." my pleas were met with silence. The realization that nobody was coming hit me hard. I leaned my back against the door.

After a few moments I noticed something was off with my desk. One of the drawers was opened. I ran away from the door to investigate. There was some kind of USB and a note on top of it.

When you're ready to know the truth. Take a look inside this USB

There was no way for me to figure out who wrote it but that didn't matter right now. I turned on my computer and plugged in the USB. The USB contained two files. Some text file and a sound file. I opened the text file first. It seemed to be some kind of disorganized note about the sound file.

It's clear the Inkling Government has abandoned us. Any hope of further resupply is gone. This music file might be our last hope. I'd hate to place my faith in some music but there isn't much choice. Maybe accepting citizenship in exchange for my services as a general was a bad idea.

After some research, it was discovered that the music file came from some celebrities back in Inkopolis. I've noticed it affects the Octarian soldiers. We're still not entirely sure how or why but we've seen a sharp increase in recruitment since something happened involving this song. Perhaps this could be some kind of super weapon? If we can figure out how it works, maybe we can turn the entire Octarian army against itself. Further study is required.

The truth I was looking for wasn't in this note. I decided to open the sound file and listen. A fast-paced song began to play. I immediately recognized two singer's voices. One was Marie's and the other was mine. The secret weapon was our song "Calamari Inkantation." I began to remember everything. All the times I've been brainwashed. There was one person I forgot. "Sebastian..." I whispered to myself. Octavio promised me I would be allowed to remember him.

I heard some sounds coming from the door and instinctively closed the sound file. On the other side was the well-dressed octoling, DJ Octavio. "Welcome home Callie."

"What did you do to Sebastian?" I asked.

"Is that any way to greet your father?" Octavio scolded.

"You are not my father!" I yelled.

Octavio chuckled. "It's unfortunate Marie destroyed your hypnoshades. Things would have been so much simpler. But don't worry. I'll have a new pair ready for you soon."

I didn't care about his words at all. My mind was still fixated on my boyfriend. "Where is Sebastian!?" I screamed furiously. I wanted to charge at him but I chose not to.

"Alright. Here he is." Octavio answered. He stepped to the side, revealing an octoling soldier standing right behind him. He was wearing the same outfit other soldiers wore but I knew who he was immediately. Octavio gave him a small push and he marched into the room like it was a one-man parade. "After you fled the palace. I made sure Sebastian was punished for his incompetence. He has failed me for the last time."

I didn't respond. I simply stared at Sebastian in horror. He was little more than a soulless husk now.

Octavio continued. "Your former bodyguard has been demoted. He probably won't remember or care about you anymore. I'll leave you two for now. Marie's brainwashing begins later today, and I don't want to miss that. Enjoy each other's company." Octavio left my room and made sure to lock the door.

I rushed to Sebastian and embraced him. He didn't move a muscle nor return my affection. "Sebastian... what did he do to you?" I asked. Sebastian didn't respond. It was as if he refused to acknowledge my existence. "Sebastian! Please answer me!" I started shaking him. He simply let it happen. It must be his shades. They must've brainwashed him the same way they brainwashed me. Yet his brainwashing was different. I still had some level of autonomy when I was brainwashed. Sebastian didn't seem to have any at all.

I slowly reached at his face and took off his shades. The second they left his eyes; he fell limp and his eyes closed. I hurried to catch him then set him down with his head resting on my lap. I noticed he stopped breathing entirely. I placed the shades back on his eyes before he began to suffocate. He quickly took a few deep breaths but remained limp.

"Sebastian please remember me! I need you!" I pleaded with tears in my eyes. I cried once again, mourning the loss of my boyfriend. He was the only Octarian who actually cared about me during the whole ordeal. Now he was gone forever, and I wasn't sure if I could live with that. Why did Sebastian have to suffer because of me? It wasn't fair!

After a few moments, I realized crying wasn't going to solve anything. Octavio took my boyfriend away from me. I can't let him take my cousin away too. I pulled Sebastian back to his feet and had him stand next to my door. Then I began looking around the room for anything that might be useful. I may never end up coming back to this room ever again so I had to make sure all my affairs were in order. Underneath my bed was a roller. Sebastian must've hidden it there after I got kidnapped by Chekhov's men. That roller saved me on a few occasions so I made sure to take it with me. I also found a few bobby pins. Finally, there were the clothes I had bought when Sebastian and I went shopping in Octopolis. I couldn't bear to leave it behind.

Once I was set, I started to pick the door using the bobby pins. After a few moments I heard a click. I was able to turn the handle and leave. Before stepping out of my room. I carefully peaked into the hallway making sure the coast was clear. Then I creeped out of my room and started heading toward the palace prison. I was going to rescue Marie.

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