Chapter 14: A Trip to Octopolis

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Sebastian and I walked down the road to Octopolis. A part of me was always glad Octopolis was in walking distance. Back when I used to sneak out, I never had to worry about finding transportation and I could enjoy the atmosphere. Now with Sebastian, I didn't even need to bother with a disguise anymore. A part of me was excited to see how the people would react to me and I quickly put the little incident in the throne room behind me.

When Sebastian and I entered the city I took a moment to admire the scenery. There were many large buildings casting short shadows. The streets were filled with cars and there were a lot of Octarians walking the streets.

Almost immediately I heard someone shout. "Look it's the Princess!"

Most of the people turned and looked at me. Some of them approached and a crowd quickly formed around me. Sebastian quickly grabbed my hand to avoid losing me in the crowd. I thought I heard someone in the crowd say, "the Princess has a boyfriend!" I started to blush at that comment.

I knew I was going to be mobbed when I went into Octopolis but I didn't expect this situation to feel so familiar. I never openly walked around Octopolis letting everyone know I was a Princess before. This was a mystery I could solve later. I smiled as Sebastian pulled me through the crowd. Some of them stepped aside and we were able to navigate our way out. We quickly ducked into a clothing store. I then turned around to look out the window and saw the crowd starting to disperse. Only a few people followed me inside. I gave them one last wave before turning my attention to Sebastian.

He let go of me. "That was intense. How do you live with this kind of attention?" Sebastian asked.

I wasn't sure how to answer him. This situation didn't come up that often since I spent most of my time in the palace. Whenever I did leave, I usually wore some kind of disguise. The only time I've ever been mobbed was on my way to concerts. "It's not so bad. You could just wear a disguise and avoid the situation."

Sebastian cleared his throat. "Right... So what did you want to do first?"

"I want to get a new outfit." I told him.

"Alright, I'll be right behind you Callie."

"He's on first name basis with the Princess?" I heard someone else say.

I ignored them and started shopping. The store itself was huge. There were separate sections for clothes. Places I could find hats. Even a dedicated shoe section. It looked like I could find pretty much anything I wanted. I decided to start by looking for some pants. Sebastian grabbed a shopping cart and followed me silently.

I looked around for a while, passing by many different outfits. Only one stood out to me. It was a white shirt with a familiar image on it. It was my stage logo. A pink octopus image similar to the temporary tattoo I wore on stage. I looked around and felt like it paired well with a pink skirt. I grabbed the shirt and skirt and put it in the shopping cart.

The next stop in the clothing store was the changing room. There was an octoling sitting at the desk in front. "Princess! It's an honor to have you here. I'll show you to one of the rooms." She stood up from the desk and opened a door for me. I grabbed the clothes in the shopping cart and went inside while Sebastian waited with the cart.

The changing room was extremely small. I barely had enough room to walk around. On the other end of the room was a bench built into the walls. There was also a large mirror hanging on the door.

I put the clothes on the bench and started changing into them. Surprisingly, they fitted me quite well. Once I was ready, I walked out of the dressing room to see Sebastian texting on his octopus shaped phone. I decided to surprise him.

Princess CallieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz