chapter 9

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Alex's POV

"So, how do you feel about your new coach?" I asked Taylor. We were driving home now.

"I don't know,  she seems a little bitchy!" She said trying to mess with me which made me laugh

"Really? Well when she'll bench you for the rest of the season we will talk again" I said.

"See? Bitchy!" She said making all of us laugh.

"Seriously now, are you ok with this? Both of you."

"Well, its P.E. I only have two hours a week so I don't really care." Lia said making me nod.

"I am really happy that you will be our new coach. I am sure you will be great." Tay said.

"Plus, you won't have to wake up at five to go to work so we will be have more time together." Lia said. Since I got this job I won't be working at the bakery anymore.

"Plush more money!" Taylor said making me laugh.

"I wouldn't say more money. Yes this job is paying better but, mama's doctor changed so the more money are going to the hospital."

"New doctor? Are they good?" Taylor asked worried.

"Better. That's why she is more expensive." I answered.

"She is pretty too. She helped me that day. I like her." Lia said.

I am getting nervous with this conversation. Thank god we arrived home. I really don't want to talk about Silvia with my kids.

"We are here. You go in and find something to eat. I am going at the hospital. Please take care of each other and don't fight." They nod their heads and I waited there until I saw them getting inside the house. Then I made my way towards the hospital.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"My beautiful girl. I really wish we could celebrate together. I finally got the job I wanted. Well not exactly but I am still a coach. Its something. And Taylor was really good today. She is going to be a great player if she continues like this and stays focused in her goals. And Lia! Lia is so smart. She is definitely going to be a doctor or something like that. She is is always in for helping people. She is over the incident that happened the other day. I on the other hand, am terrified that something bad is going to happened.  I don't know how much I can take. But they are strong. You would be so proud of them." I stopped talking and just look at her face. She was a little thinner than she used to be (and a little older but don't tell her that, I want my life!) "Even after all those years, two kids and a coma... You are still the most beautiful woman in this earth." I said kissing her hand.

"She really is beautiful." Someone said from behind me. I turn to look at Silvia. "Isn't it a little late to be here?"

"I got some big news and I had to tell her." I said looking at Summer.

"Some people, when they are in a coma, they can listen to what you say. Maybe she does."  She said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Summer, she kissed me." I said to my wife socking Silvia. "If she listened, you would be dead by now." I told her making her chuckle.

"Well, I am glad I am still alive." We laughed for a little and then we stayed in silence. "How is Lia?" She asked.

"She says she is good. She is really strong." I answered her.

"She looks exactly like Summer. Are you sure she is yours?" She said making me laugh a little. I would be offended but her tone made it clear that she was joking.

"Its like we had it planed. Our first daughter Taylor, is a copy of myself. She didn't like that in the beginning so she made the second exactly like her." I said and Silvia was smiling at me.

"You really love her. Don't you?" She looked at me now.

"She is my wife! Of course I love her. But sometimes it gets...lonely." I said avoiding eye contact.  "I vowed to love and respect her. To be faithful. In sickness and health. But now she is sick and I am scarred I will break my vows... because of you." I said looking directly at her eyes now.

"Alex, I am sorry about what I did. I didn't know the situation." She said with sadness and regret.

"Don't apologize. You don't need to." I pause and took a deep breath. "Did you studied her case?"

"I did actually." She said not sounding too happy.

I scoffed with my luck. "Yeah, she is not going to wake up. I don't know why I still hope." I said looking at my beautiful wife.

"We can't know for sure but, you might need a miracle for that to happen." She paused and I sighed deeply. "But, that doesn't mean that she won't. Miracles happen."

I stood up from where I was sitting and approached Silvia. I made eye contact. A few inches before our bodies touched, I stopped. I closed my eyes trying to control myself.

"You are not helping the situation either. You look really hot right now." Silvia said whispering the last part in my ear, sending chills all over my body.

"Silvia!" I said trying to stop her from doing something more.

Before either of us could do something I heard a familiar voice from the hallway. I froze. After seconds of waiting, a  familiar man entered the room. He looked at me, then at Silvia. I realized that my hand were on her waist and hers were resting on my chest.

"Dad, you don't..." Sara entered the room. She was talking to her father but stopped as she saw what's happening.

I took a step back, away from Silvia and put my hands in the air trying to calm him down.

In front of me was my father in law. Let's just say that he is not a big  fan of me. Or, more like he hates my guts and wants me dead. I looked at Sara for help but she seemed scared too.

"Phil, it's not what you think. I swear." I said trying to explain.

"YOU bastard. YOU took my daughter from me. YOU got her pregnant so she would marry you. Then YOU put her in a coma for what? So you will be able to cheat on her with the first slut you'll find?" He said pointing at Silvia. He was really pissed right  now and was coming dangerously close to me.

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