chapter 14

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Alex's Pov


"Babe are you ready? Sara is here." I yelled at her to make sure she can hear me from the bedroom.

"I just need one more minute honey." She yelled back at me.

"She said that 20 minutes ago. I don't understand what she is doing all this time. She is gorgeous either way." I told Sara that was standing next to me.

"After all those years and two kids and you still don't know her? At least now I can use the bathroom whenever I want without her being in there for hours so she can get ready."

"Can you two stop winning. Our kids are more patient than you two." Summer said coming towards us.

She is wearing a beautiful blue tight dress that ends in the middle of her thigh.

"Oh God. You want me to fight tonight don't you?" I asked her while I pulled her in my arms. "How come you look more beautiful everyday?" I leaned down to kiss her.

"You keep going like that and you might get lucky today." She smiled and kissed me again.

"Can you two stop acting like horny teenagers?" Sara said pretending to vomit.

"Ignore her. Let's go say goodnight to our girls before we leave." She said and pulled my hand towards the room our girls were at.

We opened the door but the room was empty. I frowned and look at Summer  that was searching the room with the same face as me. Suddenly she smiled and pointed at a little foot that was behind the curtain. I smiled to.

"Oh, it looks like they left us. Now I can tickle you!" I said and started to tickle Summer who immediately started to scream for help.

Not a minute later both girls pushed me away from their mother. Lia was hugging her while Taylor was attacking me.

"Not my mama!" She said pushing me on the floor. We were all laughing and  playing for about ten minutes before we stopped.

"It's time for bed you two." I said picking Taylor up and Summer picked up Lia.

"Not yet. Five more minutes!" Taylor said.

Summer shook her head no, letting them know that they are going to bed no matter what.

"Can you at least sleep with us. We feel better with you." Lia said putting her hands on Summer's  cheeks.

"Not today princess, we have to go. But auntie Sara is here. If you want something you can ask her." I said.

"No. I want to come with you. What if someone wants to hurt you? I have to be there to protect you." Taylor said making us laugh.

"Well, you jod is to protect your sister. Don't worry about us. Mom is going to protect us." Summer said as we placed them both in bed.

They like sleeping together so we let them if they don't have school the next day.

"Mom, you promise to protect mama?" Lia asked looking at me with her big eyes.

"Of course baby. I love all of you so much that I am not going to let anything bad happen to any of you." I said kissing her forehead.

We kissed both goodnight and left the room.

"Sara if something happens call me. If Lia wakes up give her her milk and if they fight send them to their rooms."

"Summer, I know. It's not my first time babysitting." Sara said.

"Its not babysitting if you are not getting paid. And I am not paying your ass to watch your nieces." I told her and she gave me the finger.

"Ok you two, stop being children we have to go. Are we taking the car?" She asked me.

"If we take the car we are going to be late. I think the bike will be faster."

"That sounds good. Let me grab our helmets and a jacket." She went in our room and not two minutes later she came back with our staff. She was wearing a woolen jacket that was going down at her thighs.

"Well, at least wear my leather jacket. You will be safer and warmer with it." I said giving her my jacket. She knows that I am not letting  her go without it so she is not even trying to change my mind.

She took it and wore it above her other jacket. We wore our helmets and got on the bike. She hugged me tight and we started our way to a bar.

** End of flashback**

"We hung out with some of our friends.  We had fun that night until a dude tried to flirt with my wife. Needless to say they almost kicked us out of the bar. Luckily the owner knew us and understood our situation. We left after a while. Summer  had a couple of drinks but I didn't because I was driving.

On the way home a truck hit us from the left side. I remember waking up on the street. Darkness everywhere. I started screaming her name waiting for a response but I never heard it. I took out a piece of metal that was in my left side and stood up to find her. When I did, I checked to see if she was breathing. Thankfully she was. I took my phone and called for help. I passed  out seconds after that right next to her."

I paused my story to drink some water and find the power to continue. I have never said that to anyone.

"You don't need to tell me that. It's ok if you are not ready." Silvia said squeezing my hand.

"No. I want to." I took a deep breath and continued.

"I woke up after two days at a hospital bed. I knew something was wrong because it was empty. I tried to get up but I couldn't. A nurse came in the room to stop me from moving and told me that I had many stitches on my side but other than that I was fine and I could go home after the doctor checked on me. I asked about Summer but she just smiled at me with pity. Before she could say anything Sara came in and hugged me. I asked her about Summer. She told me everything that happened. She told me that my wife probably isn't going to wake up. I broke down. The next two weeks I didn't go home. I stayed out of her room with a bottle of whiskey in my hand. Drinking. I couldn't go home and see my daughters. I promised that that I would keep her safe but I didn't. I let them down. I let everyone down.

Her father was never a fan of me. He was saying that I ruined her life when she got pregnant. When he found out about the accident he attacked me. I didn't stopped him, I didn't fight back. I deserved every punch and every kick. He was screaming that I took his little girl away from him.The sad part is that I did. If I wasn't jealous over an asshole, I would be more concentrated on driving. I might had seen the truck.

I will never forgive myself for this. I am the reason my daughters don't have their mother. I couldn't live with that. So I started drinking to forget everything. Until,  one day Sara came to see me and we had a big argument. She made me see that my daughters need me now more that ever. She pulled me back from a dark path and I am so thankful for that."

To be continued

Author's note

Emotional chapter today...

Be safe be careful.

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