chapter 15

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Silva's POV

Alex is the strongest person I know. And the fact that she stopped being strong for a while just means  that she is human. She is also an incredible mother. She basically raised her daughters by herself and she still does.

After her story about the accident and  her alcohol problem I saw an even stronger person. It takes a really strong person to admit your flaws.

"So that's what happened." She said looking down.

"You are really brave and strong. You don't need to be ashamed and you don't have to blame yourself for the accident. You couldn't do anything more. You called for help and saved her life. You saved both of your lives." I said and grabbed her hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze.

She didn't say anything. She just smiled at me. Some tears in her eyes. When she was telling me the story I couldn't contain mine either.

"One more question. You don't need to answer if you don't want too." I said

"No it's ok. You can ask me anything." She nod her head giving me a signal to ask my question.

"You said you are sober for 6 years, but the accident happened about 9 years ago..." I stopped talking when she nod her head. She understood were I was going with this.

"6 years ago, Taylor heard a conversation I had with my father in law. Well, more like an argument. He came at my house drunk and he was screaming at me that I killed his daughter and he blamed me for everything. Taylor woke up from his screams and heard him. When he left I turned around to saw her crying. She was hurt, her eyes were glossy from all the tears and she was also very angry. She told me that I am the reason she lost her mama and that it should have been me that got hurt and not Summer. She told me that she hates me and that I am the worst mom ever." She paused and took a deep breath before she continued. "I have been through some hard stuff. A lot of pain, physically and mentally but nothing hurts as much as this. To hear my daughter say that she hates me. I couldn't handle it. I called a babysitter  and left the house. I got in the first bar I found and drank anything I could find. When I sobered up a little a saw a call from Sara. The babysitter had to leave and she couldn't find me so she called her. Taylor told her what happened and they talked about it. When I got home Taylor said she was sorry and that she didn't mean what she said." She wiped my tears away that I didn't even knew I had.

"That must have been hard." I said.

"Yes, it was really hard. After that I never relapsed again. Now enough about me and my sad life. What about you?" She asked me smiling.

"Well, I don't have a wife or children. My parents are homophobes. I was a nerd in high school. I worked my ass of to be a doctor and to be were I am. That's my life." I said. I know I don't have a big story like her.

"Sounds..." She started and I interrupted her.

"Boring" I said.

"I was going to say good." She said.

"I mean yes, it's good for a life but not so much as a story. But I am thankful for it. I would never want to go through what you did. So I am thankful for it." I paused and she laughed a little. "That sounds like what a bartender told me once." I said talking about her and our first time we met.

We laughed and ate our food. She didn't let me pay no matter how much I tried. Now we were walking together.  Hand in hand. We talked about many things. Hours past like seconds when I am with her.

We were laughing when a woman interrupted us.

"Alex? Is that you?" We turned around to see a woman around her middle thirties.  Quite attractive and glamorous. She was holding hands with a man that I am guessing is her husband.

"Kate, Dave! Nice to see you." Alex said smiling a little. " How are you? How is the son?"

"He is getting older and harder to handle. I am sure you know how it is with teenagers." The man called Dave said.

"Yeah, tell me about it." She said nodding her head. The woman was eyeing me weirdly making me uncomfortable. I just looked down  avoiding eye contact. Alex noticed that. " This is Silvia. Silvia this is Kate and Dave. Kate is one of Summer's best friends." Now that makes sense. She obviously hates me because I am dating her best friend's wife.

"Hmm, well it was nice seeing you. We have to go." The man said and with that they left.

"Well, that was fun." I said sarcastically.

"Don't worry about it. Kate is a good person and we are friends. Besides I am not ashamed of you. Of this. Its been almost a decade, I think I deserve a little happiness. Don't you think?" She asked me with her sexy smile.

"You sure do." I pecked her lips "But I really don't want to be the dirty mistress. I never was. It's not my thing." I said

"You are not my mistress. I mean yes I am married but the story is more complicated. You know that. Besides, I am too pure to be your sugar daddy." She said making us both laugh.

"You are incredible." I said

"So I 've been told. Now what do you think about ice cream?" She asked me pointing at a store.

"Sounds great."

We ate our ice cream and then we walked back to my house. We stopped at my door.

"I had a great time with you today." She said and leaned down to kiss me. The kiss was full of passion and lust. She pulled me closer and I could feel her little friend down there getting excited.

She pulled back from the kiss. "I am sorry I got a little carried away." She said taking  a step  back.

"No, it's ok. Actually I was thinking if you want to come in...?" I said "You don't have to if you don't want to!" I know it's been a long time since she was intimate so I don't want to pressure her.

"I would actually like that but only if you are sure. If you are not ready I can wait." She said scratching the back of her neck.

I just smiled and pulled her in the house.

** the next morning **

I woke up with something warm underneath me. I hugged it tighter so I won't lose the comfort and that warm feeling. When I moved I felt a pain between my legs.

"Ouch" I said.

"Well, sorry about that." A voice said. I look up to see Alex smiling at me. I smiled back and kissed her.

Last night was amazing. She was unstoppable and needless to say HUGE... She is the best. Most people care only about their own pleasure but she made sure I was satisfied. More than enough times actually...

She stoped kissing. "I had a great time with you but I have to go before my daughters wake up." She said with a sad smile.

"You should go then." I said kissing her again. "And I have to get ready for work."

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