chapter 18

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Alex's POV

It's been two days and Lia isn't talking to me. What she said to me that day was hurtful and really painful to hear. It brought back bad memories and I thought about drinking but I didn't. I called Sara to help me out and she did. She always does.

We talked about everything and she told me not to worry. That Lia was just angry and she didn't mean it.

Silvia was a little off these two days. Probably because off Lia. I talked to her numerous times and told her that this isn't her fault but she is a stubborn woman.

Taylor on the other hand is doing great. She and Emma finally made it official. I am happy that she is opening up and moves forward.

My thoughts were interrupted by Lia coming in the kitchen. "Good morning honey." She looked at me and then back at the fridge. She didn't even say good morning

"Lia please, talk to me." She ignored me and went to her room.

I decided to follow her. This situation had to stop.

I knocked on the door and she told me to go away.

I opened the door and sat next to her on her bed. She was curled up with her face behind her hands and her knees against her chest.

"I wish that too" I told her.

She looked up at me confused so I continued.

"Every day, when I woke up, I wish it was me on that bed and not her. I wish  I was dead if that meant that she would be alive. I... I am not the good parent I know. She is. She always was. But I am trying Lia. I really do. And it's hard. I know I am not good enough for you and your sister and that you deserve so much better than this... Than me. If I could change places with her I would in a heartbeat but, unfortunately I can't. So I need you to understand me. Its been ten years. Ten years I am alone. I have never looked another woman, I couldn't.Not without thinking about your mother. But with Silvia is different. She makes me happy and I haven't been happy in a long time Lia. Please understand were I come from. I love you and your  sister more than anything. And I love your mom, that will never changed but she is not coming back. So we need to move on. If you are not ready yet I understand that and if you want me to break up with her I will. But, I think after all this years I deserve to be happy." I stopped talking and looked at the wall in front of us.

After a while she talked. "I didn't mean what I said. And I might not know mama that good but I know you and you are a good mother. You do deserve happiness and if that means being with her then... So be it. Just promise me that you will not forget mama." She said making me look at her.

"That is a promise I can keep." I told her hugging her.

"Mom, I have something to tell you. I need your help."

That got my attention. "What is it princess? You know you can tell me everything."  She nod her head.

"Why do people care so much about sex?" She asked me.

How do I answer that...

"Well, baby sex is something that can be wonderful under the right circumstances and with the right person." 

"What if, I don't want to have sex?" She asked.

"Well, as your mother i like the sound of that. A lot." She chuckled at my comment "You don't have to do anything you don't want to or you are not ready for."

"All my friends are thinking about sex and stuff that I am not interested in. I don't feel the sexual attraction they talk about. Is something wrong with me?" She said with pleading eyes.

"Nothing is wrong with you princess. Don't push yourself. You are still young, you will figure it out."

"I, I think I might be asexual." She said.

"That's ok. I love you no matter what and I will always support you. You are my princesses and that will never change. Thank you for talking to me about it."

She hugged me like her life depended on it. "I love you mom."

"I love you too princess."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was working at the restaurant when I saw Silvia coming in with a beautiful smile.

She sat in front of me at the bar. "A club soda please."

I smiled at her "Not alcohol today?" I asked her leaning in closer.

"You taught me that I don't need alcohol to be happy." She said without loosing the smile from her face. I love that smile.

"Baby, if you want to drink just do it. I don't have a problem. In fact, today I am extremely happy." I said.

"Why is that? Did your other mistress made you happy?"

"Nah, my other mistress was busy today, you have to do for now." I said smirking at her. Two can play this game.

She hit my arm playfully. "Not funny."

"You are the one who started it angel."  I pecked her lips. "But it was in fact a woman who made me happy."

She grabbed my tie and pulled me closer. "Who is she? I am going to kill her." She was serious which worried me a little and reminded me of Summer.

"I was talking about Lia. Gosh, I do have a type. Crazy women." She let my tie and mumbled a sorry before she took a sip.

"What did she say?" She asked innocently making me chuckle.

"We talked about you and the fact that you make me happy and that is the important thing." I paused looking at the blush that was forming on her cheeks. I love her so much. She is so cute. "She also came out to me as asexual which is good because I won't have to worry that she will get pregnant. At least for now that she is single. Lust is a dangerous game."

"That is the dream of every father. To know that their daughters will be away from guys." She said

"Well as her mother that is something I can get behind. Now I have to worry only about one sexually active teenager."

"How come your kids don't call you dad? Usually people like you prefer that title. Was it your choice or theirs?" She asked me.

"Well, I identify as a woman. I am a woman no matter what is between my legs. So when Summer was pregnant with Taylor we called each other mom or mama or mommy and stuff like that because it felt the right thing to do." I told her. She nod her head and kissed me.

I went back to work but I was always steeling glances of her to be sure she is fine. Plus, she was gorgeous.

Silvia's Pov

I was watching Alex work when I got a text message from the hospital...

Dr. Black you asked to be immediately  informed about the test results that you ordered. Both patient's tests came back positive.

Ohh God...

Author's note

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Be careful and wear a mask...

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