A new "Family"

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And there I was again, back in the forest. The rain pouring down, I am back where I hoped I would never be. Walking closer I notice that the flowers are beginning the grow. 

"Hi Chota." After talking to the flower for a while, I grab the small shovel I brought. Digging a hole for the new flower.

"Hiro." Softly pressing the dirt down, to make sure that it is planted correctly, I can't help but feel sad. After I promised myself never having to plant another flower again. Here I am again. Still in disbelieve that he didn't survive. 

"My only two friends." With the rain becoming more intense, I feel somewhat relieved. As if the heavens are crying with me. "Thank you for all the lessons you have given me. I will use them well."

Having had such an emotional day, planting the flower gives me some relieve. 

Oef. I grab my stomach in pain. I didn't even notice how much hunger I had. Arriving back at the apartment, I start to heat up some canned food. I didn't eat all night. Waiting up for Hiro to come back. 

No. I need to keep my head in the game. There is no point in dying along side them, I should live on to at least all they have taught me.

Later that night

Having arrived at the game for tonight, the stars are distracting me. Not noticing that two guys are starring at me. 

"Excuse me" Hearing a faint voice next to me, I nod, not taking my eyes of the stars "Do you k-"

"I don't know why everyone disappeared. You have to play and win games to stay alive." Cutting her off, I turn to face her. Heels, skirt. She will have a hard time. To prevent anymore question I walk into the building. 

As you walk into the building, the guys starring at you follow closely. One heading in straight away, while the other goes to taunt the shy girl. 

With the room filling up, I can't wait to get out of here. Something doesn't feel right, not able to shake the pit in my stomach, I finally take my eyes off the floor. 

You got to be kidding me.

As soon as I look up I see Chishiya standing there. Giving me a wave, I roll my eyes. Well this explains the pit in my stomach. Surprised by my reaction he  walks closer.

"Is this how you greet all your friends." Not responding to his ridiculous statement. The sound of the phone safes me from him. But just my luck. Team game. 

"Guess we will need each other" as he can't help but smile, I sigh "Guess I am stuck with you. Don't get me killed" As  the game is being explained  I notice how he is looking past me. Turning to see what has caught his attention, my attention is immediately captured by a piercing pair of eyes. 

With Chishiya tugging at my arm, I finally look away from him. Something dangerous in his eyes. As I am being dragged away by Chishiya I take one more glance at him. Still looking at me, his head is slightly tilted. Noticing his piercings and flashy top, I recognize who is standing beside him, the military guy. 

Finding a spot to see how this game is going to unfold, Chishiya is leaning against the wall, patiently waiting. As he is finally silent, I remember how he earlier was looking at those guys. Maybe he knows them. Already aware that I want to ask him something, he asks me to just say it.

"How do you know those guys?" aware that denying that he knows them would be pointless he clicks his tongue "Why do you want to know"

"So I won't like the answer. It shouldn't be hard to answer, unless the answer is implicating you or complicated." Hearing the first screams, we watch as a girl is running away from the scene. 

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