Not her.

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That was one intense elevator ride. Leaning against my room door, I finally notice how fast my heart is beating. Taking a moment to catch my breath it is time to change.

Putting on my pants, I look in the mirror. Shit. Realizing that I don't have any other shirt to wear. Starring at myself, I look at the cut in my shirt.

Great. Why did he have to do that, I had no idea that the cut was that big. Showing my bra strap, I don't know what to do. I guess I just have to suck it up.

Getting back down stairs, I hear loud cheering. All in unison they seem to be yelling out Hatter,Hatter. Coming closer to the loud sound, I spot Chishiya and Kuira. "What is going on?" 

"The games are starting." With the hatter beginning some speech. Kuira points to the whole in my shirt. "What did you do?" Chishiya turns around and stares at the cut. 

"Nothing" starring straight ahead, I can feel my cheeks becoming red. Thinking of how he put me against the wall. No no, keep your head in the game.

"You do realize that you are not suppose to play a game tonight" Chishiya sounds stern and I shake my head "Like I said before what are they going to do" Aware that I am not going to stay here, we head outside.

Standing outside, they ask me what my plan is. "I think I am just going to walk" assuring them that they should go with their own group they hesitate, but head towards their own game.

Not sure where to go, you stay put to see where everyone is going. In the crowed the other militant arrive and Aguni has spotted you. Knowing very well that you shouldn't be going to the games. About to walk towards you, Niragi, stops him. One thought on his mind, not her.

"Boss, I would like to take our new member to a game. Make sure that she knows how the militant act." Nodding to his request, Niragi heads straight you. Blocking Aguni's view of you, slightly disappointed that Niragi stepped in, he leaves with his own group.

"Sleeping beauty" yelling for me once again, Niragi stands in front of me. "Lets go" raising his eyes, I am not sure what he means. As he walks on, he notices that I am not walking with him.

"You want to play a game, so let's go" Grabbing my arm to usher me forward. He lets go as I am in front of him, placing his hand on my back to guide me closely.

"Here is the car" Opening my door, he looks at me. What is going on. Losing his patience a little, he tilts his head to tell me that I should get in. After sitting down, he close my door and gets in himself. "Here we go."

Driving fast, I don't know what to say. "Where are we going" breaking the silence, he clicks his tongue "Next time you want to play a game, tell me. You can't just go" sounding stern I simply nod. Why would I tell him. As we arrive at our new destination, he looks at me "What do you think. Is this the one?" not responding, he gets out first. 

"Lets go" opening my door, I slowly get out. As he closer the door, he softly moves me against the car. "I am serious. Next time, tell me" Moving his eyes down to the tear in my shirt, he smirks "Why would I tell you" Not answering he makes eye contact again. "I am responsible for you now. I am going to teach you how to be a good militant" giving me a smirk, his eyes are even smiling at me.

Ridiculous, moving his arm away, I walk away from the car. Leaving him standing there, gleaming as he watches me walk away. Walking into our new arena, I size up the other competitors. As they all try to look intimidating, they all settle down as Niragi gets inside. Putting his arm around my waist, they all look down. Scared of him and now also aware that they shouldn't mess with me.

"Get your hands off" Whispering to him, he pulls me closer. Spreading his hand out "Why, I like it" I turn around and he sees that I am not messing around "Don't touch me, unless I want too" pressing his lips tight, he takes a step closer, but before he can say anything, the phone goes off.

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