Chapter 45: Burning in Vengeance

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Alexander Wright

After a menacing wait of 18 hours Kat was breathing on her own. That helped us a little to calm down. Capo Massimo was moving Katherine to his mansion in Sicily. Doctors decided to put her in a medically induced coma to help her heal. So she hasn't opened her eyes yet. Once she's out of the hospital we can video call and see her.

On the other hand, everyone was preparing a plan to execute Roman. We needed a full proof plan. It had to be very secretive and as of now only our family knew about it. My work was interrupted by a call. I saw who it was.

"Buongiorno Capo Vincenzo."
(Good morning)

"Alexander. Son. It's time we end this all for once."

"Yes. I agree. We are in action."

"This isn't only your revenge. It's time he pays for his actions. And it's time he makes him pay. He has been on that Island for 7 years waiting for his turn. The turn I promised him."

"I'll always do as you ask. You know how much I respect you. I would've lost my sister if it wasn't for you and your son. I'll forever be grateful to you."

"Alexander you dont have to be grateful for anything. Anthony is my bestfriend. Like my brother. Your loyalty to us never fails to amuse me son. Dont worry about anything. The result will be in our favour. I'm sending a chopper for him. I'll receive him in Germany. Than we will plan our next course of action. We are with you. You'll always have our support."

"Grazie Capo." And the line went silent.
(Thank you)

My father and Vincenzo Donnatiello had always been bestfriends. More like brothers. He supported us when my father declared war against the Roman Ivanov.

When my father killed Roman's family, Capo Vincenzo  sent him in hiding and made sure he was never found. I was young back then. I had the training but lacked the experience. Capo helped me back then and trained me. Whenever situation went out of control which wasn't the case very often  he always came in and helped.

It wasn't just us who respected the Donnatiellos so much. Everyone in the mafia knows better than to go against them.

The Donnatiellos were like mafia royalty. They have been for 4 generations now. But they weren't as close to others as they were to us. That was our advantage. Roman  knows better than to go against them. What he doesn't know is that he already is against them. And that his death is near.

I was concerned about dad. I dont know how he would take the news. He had spent very less time with Katherine, yet their connection was very deep. I was worried for him. He would grow as impatient as us. Maybe more.

I got a message from Capo Massimo that Katherine was safely shifted to his mansion. And there was no compromise in our plan. I heaved a sigh of relief. He said he would call so we could see Katherine.

I went to the living room where everyone was seated.

"She's at his place now. We can call. Nate set up the laptop." He nodded and left. I sat next to Alicia. She intertwined our hands and rubbed my arm.

"How are you holding up?" She asks. I just nod.

"You know its okay to feel the way you're right now." I just nod again.

"I'm here. For you. You know that right?"

"I do." I say looking at her. I was so lucky to have someone like Alicia in my life.

"We're on line." I could hear the tune indicating the connection. Then the screen changed and I could see Massimo. We all called out in respect and he nodded.

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