Chapter 2: 24 Hours

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Katherine Jane
I was in the police station waiting for my social worker. She already came when we reached the station. She was a nice lady. She went through my documents and was trying her best to find me any relatives who were willing to take me in. Yeah enjoy Mission Impossible. Even if I do miraculously have some relatives I highly doubt they would want to take me in. I mean look at me. A lost teenager with a lot of baggage and mental issues. Although nobody knows about my anxiety and depression except him. I still haven't called him. He would wonder why I didn't came to school. I just hope he doesn't find out on his own. I came out of wonderland when a voice called out.

"Katherine. Um...I have news for you. Turns out you have brothers. Your eldest brother Alexander Wright is willing to take you in. He lives in London. And voluntarily wants you to stay with them. They are a nice family. Considering they are all male members he had to pull a few strings but now has your official custody. I am already sorting out the paperwork and we can put you on a flight tomorrow evening. I wont be able to accompany you all the way to London but everything is worked out. The air hostess will help you out. You have a connecting flight. Its gonna be a long journey so take as much rest as you can."

Ok...what. Brothers? London? What about Australia? What about the appartment here? A whole new country where I dont know anyone. Well I dont know anyone here as well.

"What about home here? Cant I stay here?"

"Dear. We contacted your mom's lawyer. Apparently she had a will. If in case anything happens to her all her possessions were to be donated in charity. I'm sorry but she didn't left you a penny. I know having a whole new family you knew nothing about can be very overwhelming. But they are good people and very stable financially. They are buisness men and want you to be a part of their family. I know how your mother treated you. It's for the best Katherine. Dont worry about your life in Australia. It will be all taken care of. Think about London. Your new family. You are a lovely child. They will love you a lot." Only if  she knew I'm incapable of receiving love.

I just nodded at her. Time passed by quickly. The VISA formalities were done. So much happened in the past 24 hours. My whole life changed. I still have to find out for better or for worse. I was surrounded by so many questions. I have exhausted myself by over thinking every outcome of this new life.

Will my brothers like me? Will I be good enough for them? Or will they turn out just like mom? Will I be able to overcome my past or will I end up in a downward spiral till I hit the hard bottom? What's gonna happen? Only time will tell.

I was currently at my social worker's place and she was kind enough to let me stay at her place. She also questioned me about my school life and health. I stated her the true facts only except the mental health part. If I want this family I cant tell them about all this.
I dont know how am I gonna hide it. Because I stopped anti depressants a month ago. I dont have any left. And sneaking them out again is very hard. Not to mention the airport check tomorrow. The last thing I want them to think is that I'm a drug dealer. Geez. So much to worry about.

I was on my way to the airport now. I wasn't prepared for anything. This was my first time on a plane. I was nervous...very nervous. Deep breaths Kat. It's just 40000 feet above land. They do it everyday. Chill babe.

"Okay katherine. Here we are. I hope you remember everything. You will find an officer on the gate to escort you to the plane. It's a first class ticket. It will be easier. Take care Katharine. If you ever face any problems I'll be just a call away. It's a long journey. Eat something on the plane okay. And you will find a currency exchange on the airport. You can exchange your savings there though you dont need to. Everything is taken care of. Goodbye."

"Thank you Sherrie for everything. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you."

"Anytime dear." With that I got off the car and went towards the gate.

As promised I found an officer on the gate who took me to the plane. My currency was done. I was officially on the plane.

I changed the flights at Hong Kong international airport. And after 26 hours I was on British soil.

My so called luggage consisted of a small suitcase. I collected it and went towards the exit gate.

There were so many people waiting for their families. I quickly started going through the boards and finally found my name.

Miss. Katherine Wright

Okay.. change of surnames. The man holding it was in his mid forties. He was wearing  a black suit. I went towards him.

"Miss Katherine. Hope you had a good flight. I'm Joseph. I was sent by your brother to pick you up. May I take your luggage?" He was so formal. Okay I can deal with that.

"Sure. Thank you. And you can call me Kat. Miss Katherine is a bit mouthful dont you think."

"I'm afraid that is not possible. I was given specific instructions on addressing you." Okay Joey.

"Umm...ok no problem." With that we started walking towards the car which wasn't parked very far. It was a Rolls Royce. He quickly opened the door for me to enter.

"Mr. Wright couldn't be here due to a prior engagement. So he sent me instead. I hope the AC is alright."

"Um..yeah no problem. The AC is just fine."

The rest of the ride went in silence. I was already feeling very out of place. God knows what's in store next.

Another chapter done. Lovely readers.
How are you liking the plot. I know there are a lot of brothers sister books with similar concepts. But I'm planning a lot of twist and turns and cliffhangers. Trying to make it different from other books. This is my original work I haven't stolen it from anyone. Please give it a try. Drop your suggestions in the comment section below.

Also what do you think is the he? A boyfriend maybe or someone else. What do you think? Do let me know.
Lots of love

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