Chapter 13: Hugs and kisses

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Leonardo Wright

Never in my life did I imagine that would hug her.i didn't hate her but I didn't like her too. But what I heard today wrenched my heart. My little sister had tried committing suicide 4 TIMES. She is just 15. How could be so rude to her? She had done nothing to me. I thought I was the only one in this family who was unloved. When I was a kid my older brothers were with my father learning buisness and my younger brothers were too small leaving me alone. I was alone but my sister was worse than me. The only thing I could think of was how I failed my little sister. I cannot imagine my life if she would have succeeded in her suicide. But she wont be in any more pain. I wont let any pain touch her. I will make my sister happy again. I'll do anything to make her love her life. I'll love her the most. She's my number 1 from now on.
I'm gonna hug her everyday. I'm gonna lovingly kiss her forehead everyday. I'm gonna take care of her and make her feel loved. Me Leonardo Wright was willing to turn into a softie for his little sister.

Silas Wright

I couldn't believe my ears. I thought she had everything in her life. She had a mother to grow up to whereas we didn't. I was jealous of her. So I kept putting her down every single chance I got. I made fun of her. How wrong was I? How was I gonna look into her eyes? She was deprived of everything. She was deprived of something as normal as good food. She had to cook her food herself to survive. When we were busy getting new cars and shit my sister was deprived of even having a chocolate. And I made fun of her skinny body. When we were here living a life of luxury she was somewhat alone thinking about dying. I dont know if she will ever forgive me but I'll do anything to make her happy. I would give up my life for her without even thinking for a second.

Sebastian Wright

I cannot imagine what my baby sister went through. The pain. I am a person who always finds something positive in any situation. But today I couldn't. I cannot imagine without at least eating 4 meals a day and my sister was deprived of even one. She was broken. Her art held so much depth that I always wondered how could she do it. But now I understood. She was putting all her pain into it. I haven't felt sad in so long that I the it feels foreign to me. But her life was sadness. Her life was dark and cold. My only goal was now to fill her life with happiness. I wanted to teach her to live life. To enjoy every moment of it. I love you my sister and I'll make sure you know that I do.

Nathaniel Wright

I was devastated. I could process what I heard I minute ago. I instantly recalled our conversation where she 'accidentally 'said that she doesn't see herself in the future. I never could've imagined that she meant it this way. Now I understood why she saw me in her nightmare. She wasn't afraid of me. She was afraid of losing me. She was afraid that I was gonna betray her. My poor baby. I felt my chest tightened whenever she mentioned trying to kill herself. She was 4. What if the car ran over her? What if the guy didn't pull her out of water? What if Brandon didn't reach on time? I would have lost my sister without even finding her. I am never ever leaving you Kat. I will always be here not just for you but with you. We are gonna get through this together Kat. We are gonna lead you to a happy life.

Hayden Wright

My sister, the most beautiful girl in this world was called a whore, slut, ugly, dirty. All her life she was told all these things. She wasn't supposed to listen to all of those lies. She was so innocent. Her eyes though dull with pain and sadness held innocence. I almost chocked when I heard her say all of this but she actually lived through all of this. I was angry at myself because I wasn't there for her. I had always been there for my brothers but I was never there for my sister. But that was going to change. That had to change. I was gonna protect her from all that pain. I will love her with all my heart.

Katherine Wright

I was still in Leo's embrace. It was so calm and warm. It spread peace through my mind. I was feeling.....loved maybe. Was it true? Did they really love me? Were they ready to accept me? Or is this hug just a parting gift? I had so many questions in my mind but I just wanted to stay in his embrace. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I was standing on my tiptoes. My small frame looked even smaller in front of him. I could see all my brothers lost deep in thoughts. They all looked sad. Did they feel sad for me or were they sad because I was their sister? Slowly Leo pulled away looking much calmer than before. Alex approached us. Leo took a step back. Now Alex was facing me directly. His eyes held sorrow. He slowly closed his eyes leaned closer and his lips gently touched my forehead. He was kissing my forehead with so much love that I couldn't believe. I was feeling free from all the pain. I wanted time to freeze. I was feeling overwhelmed by all of this so I just started crying. Alex gripped the back of my neck gently. His lips were still there. I was a sobbing mess. I was shaking. Alex looked into my tear filled eyes. He gently wiped my checks with both his thumbs. I cried and then gently put my head in his chest. He instantly wrapped his arms around me. He was gently caressing my hair. He then grabbed my chin with 2 of his fingers and lifted it up.

"No more of these tears for you my dear. I am so sorry for all that you have been through. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me the most. I failed as a brother."

"No you didn't. I failed as a sister. You don't have to be sorry. I'm sorry that I'm a disappointment. A disdain. I dont fit in here. Your standards, your money, I will never be able to meet your expectations of a good sister. So I'm sorry" I said looking at my shoes.

"Look at me." He said in a stern voice. I obliged.

"You are not a disappointment. You can never be. And definitely not a disdain. And you fit in right here with your family. We are a family. We dont have expectations or requirements for you to be our sister. You are the best sister anyone can ask for. So never speak ill about yourself. Ever." He said and pulled me into his embrace again. We parted after a few seconds.

Hayden approached me. He was struggling with his words. So I did what I thought he wanted. I hugged him tightly. And without even a second he wrapped me up in his arms. Hugs. Something I never had experienced. I never even hugged Brandon. And today I was showered with hugs. Never in my 15 years of life did I imagined that I would see a day like this. Nate hugged me too telling me sweet things.

Silas came in front of me. I immediately tensed up. He must be hating me even more now.

"In usual circumstances I would just run away not wanting to say anything but I cant today. Since the day you came here I was a jerk to you. But today I actually felt like one. I'm not good at the emotional talk but please try to forgive me. I know it's hard but I beg for your forgiveness. I want to be your brother. I want to make you happy. Will you give me a chance?"

I quickly nodded and he pulled me into a hug.  We stayed like that for a while and then suddenly Seb jumped in on us. Silas groaned.

"You had to ruin it for me."

"Oh shut up. You love me."

"No I don't"

"Yes you do softie so suck it up."

And then I smiled. He noticed it and jumped.

"See I made her smile. Shit I don't have my camera. I should have clicked a picture to show how truly beautiful you are."

"Dont worry she is gonna smile a lot from now on." Hayden said. I blushed.

"You look so cute while blushing." Nate said causing me to blush harder.

"Let's have dinner. I'm starving"

I just couldn't help but wonder how the saddest day of my life turned into the happiest one.

Hello readers. We crossed 1K. So happy. Thank you for all those comments. Here's a cute and emotions chapter. Hope you like it. Also tell me whose your favorite among the Wright brothers?
Please let me know.
Lots of love

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