Chapter 51:Revenge

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Massimo Gabriel Donnatiello

I was trying to concentrate on my work. But I was too lost in her. She gave me a heart attack that night. I was so worried for her. I wanted to take care of her. But I couldn't arouse suspicion.

One thing that I know is that the Wright men love their sister and daughter. And I'm not the person to whom one would trust their family with. I was ruthless, cruel, merciless but I wanted to change all of that for her. Just for her. But nobody will understand my feelings for her.

If they came to know about it then they will take her away from me.

And it's not like I can't take her back. When I say that nothing can come between us I mean it. But she will hate me if I hurt her family. I can't bear her hate. Never. I would be dead a million times before that.

So for now I have to keep my distance. I can't date her till she's 18. Just 642 days. But will I be able to convince her to give me a chance? Or her family to give us a chance? All this stress wasn't helping.

My thoughts about her were interrupted by a phone call. It was Stepheno.

"What?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Capo. We have Roman." Ah. Some good news. Time to release my stress. I smirked at the thought of the torture I will be giving him. Now the ball is in my court.

I will take your revenge Preziosa. I will make such an example out of him that no one would dare even think to harm you. I'll make sure of it.

Alexander Wright

I was deep in thoughts. The events of the past month had shaken up our family.

But it also made me realize that what I was doing wasn't enough. For Katherine. The enemy was able to get to her even after such tight security. I believed that I was doing it perfectly. Keeping her happy and safe at the time. But it wasn't enough.

It was time to face reality and take some strong steps to avoid anything remotely close to what happened last month. If I have to keep her locked up then be it. I'm not about to let anything happen to her again.

"What are you thinking son?" I was pulled out by Dad.

"How I failed to protect my sister." I said still not looking up.

"You didn't fail at anything. You are the best son anyone can have."

"Yeah maybe but definitely not a good brother."

"Don't be hard on yourself for something that wasn't in your control."

"It should've been under my control dad. It should've been but it wasn't. If it wasn't for the Donnatiellos, my sister would've been dead by now."

"What you need to understand is that you did everything you could. You did everything possible to keep your sister safe. All we can do is make sure this never happens again."

"Again! I'll rip their fucking brains out of their skull before they even think to hurt my sister." I said standing up. This burning rage I felt in me.

"I'm so proud of you Alexander. I remember that day when you turned 18 and I had to leave. The day when you were supposed to go party with your friends and all, you had to take the throne of our buisness. You had to take respect of your brothers. And you couldn't have done it better. You grew up so fast. You are my firstborn Alexander. And when I say that you didn't fail. I mean it. Now that I'm here we will change things for the better. We will protect our family. It's time the world knows who is Anthony Wright."

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