Chapter 15

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"Good morning," Jane walked down to the kitchen still in her pajamas.

"Morning," I said shortly. "Finally, an advice duly noted."

"Mark, I'm so sorry-"

"What did I tell you about staying away, Jane? Why don't you get it?" I sighed in desperation. "You know I did what I did to protect you."

"I know... But I can't undo this, too. The twins need me to help their father solve the problem."

"And again; how can you do that? What's the plan? Stop him on his way to work and beg for a mercy?"

I glanced at my pale sister. I knew I should have not been too harsh on her. But last night was a disaster. She stayed freezing at the park near the McDonough's house after being left by Riley. I got to pin her location to pick her up because she was busy crying.

"You're not going to work today, no." I shook my head. "I'm sorry but you're grounded."


I glared and Jane shortly gave in. She knew the drill. She just broke the most absolute law in this house.

The sausage and omelette were served for both of us, as we were eating in silence. I was never mad at her. In fact, I could not let anybody hurt her ever again. And I meant that.

"I'm leaving for class." I cleared my throat.

"Okay." She smiled weakly.

"Get some rest, sis. You're really pale. And please just call me if you feel anything worse."

"I'll be fine." She nodded and walked me to the front.

I drove away with heavy heart. Jane was always our ball of sunshine. She was caring, loving, and very protective over me. Since our parents traveled a lot for work, she took care of me at such a very young age -- not to mention I caused her tons of troubles being a difficult kid. Therefore, I would never give in, even for Riley, if he has ever hurt my sister in any possible way.


I was about to drive away after picking up my coffee, until somebody stood by the car.

"Hey." I replied nonchalantly.

"Hey, uhm, I know you're upset at me."

"That's an understatement." I deepened my voice. "Now let me apologize to you in advance about what I'm gonna tell you -- and God knows Jane would've killed me for this -- but yes you pissed me off! How could you leave her alone in the park after what she's done to you?!"

"I know, and that's totally my fault." Riley buried his head fiddling his fingers. "Now she won't pick up my phone."

"At least she listens to me." I shook my head. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have class coming up."

Riley stepped an inch but did not entirely gave me enough room to drive off. He glued himself to the ground, begged for some more talks. I groaned inside. He just made my sister open her own wound for him, and still let her feel as if her good intention was never enough. But at the same time, Riley was never entirely wrong.

"Do you have your car?" I sighed.

He shook his head.

"Alright, let's have a real word. Come on, hop in."

Riley was hesitating but I insisted on having the time for him -- well, it was actually for Jane. We both drove away to a more private cafe with an outdoor bench, so nobody would disturb us.

"Thanks for doing this." Riley repositioned himself sitting next to me.

"How are the twins?"

"Good, they're good." He nodded. "They're with Connor and Tobs."

I stared through to his eyes. This man was buried in so much sadness and burden. I could applaud him for his self encouragement to still make it another day, every day. It was only fair that I decided to skip class and sit with him.

"Where should I start now?" I shook my head unsure. "Joey Brown?"

Riley did not respond, but I knew he was all ears.

"He's the man I'd happily haunt, anytime of the day. But for Jane and her big heart, I've stopped."

I chuckled in a long pause. I was brought back to reality of the amount of hatred I had for that man.

"He's the father of Amelia, my late niece."

Riley just took a long deep breath and suddenly stopped. It was a normal reaction. Among Jane's laughter and significant presence, no one would ever guess her shattered past.

"Your Natasha, whatever she did to you and the twins, never really trigged Jane to run to you until she found out that your ex wife is in a relationship with Joe."


"So pardon my sister and her inability to talk clearly to you last night. But I bet she only wanted to tell you that the man is a monster who constantly blames my sister for losing their one-year-old daughter, as if he cared about her at all." My voice was shaking from holding the anger. "Amelia's passing was never her fault, damn it!"

The inevitable silence surrounded us for some minutes. I took my time to embrace the fact that it should have no longer haunted me, yet it still hurt.

"Amelia... is a beautiful name." Riley finally replied.

"She's everything I pictured in an angel." I swept the tears. "She's born special. Though she probably only saw the world as big as the size of her incubator, but she was our world."

"God, no..." He buried himself into silent cry.

"Joe was never a good father. The day Amelia was born was the last day we ever saw him around. There were days I roamed around the city looking for him, to tell him that Amelia might have less of a chromosome but she's still the prettiest angel ever born on earth. But never mind, he was not even in town."

I stood by the cafe's balcony to calm my mind. This moment brought back the memories of how hurt we all were. But among my tears, Riley also cried a river behind me. He must have felt bad about last night.

"I didn't know any of these." He spoke almost inaudibly. "She said something about fighting harder for the twins if Natasha's still seeing Joe. And I took it wrong by thinking she blamed me for not fighting hard enough."

"So that's what she warned you about." I chuckled. "She's afraid you'll lose them."

"Can- Can I see her?"

I turned around and met the red eyes of his. Tears really kept falling down his cheeks. He looked pale and worried.

"I have a better idea." I nodded.

"Tell me." He stood, felt convinced.

"But do you trust me?"

I got his firm nod as a reply.

"Good." I grabbed my car key. "Because we gotta do something first before you could see my sister again."

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