Chapter 18

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I opened my eyes and found the ceiling of my room -- wait, was it morning already?

"Hey, sleepyhead." Riley opened his eyes too. "It's almost eight. You should have your breakfast."

"Wait. How did I-"

Riley looked at me being confused of how I already changed into pajama. Last time I remember, I was still in my tee and shorts. He giggled, however slowly turned into loud, annoying chortle.

"Do you really have to ask? Well last night you're kind of dead so I..."

And I slapped Riley in the arm.

"Ouch! Hahaha okay Mark did it."

He just made me lose all my sanity over that mischievous smirk. It was hillarious to even think about. But like Riley said, I was dead. So I needed to make sure.

Riley came closer to kiss me in the forehead. "Let's get you some delicious toast. What do you think?"

"What do I think? I don't understand a single thing." I tied my hair into ponytail. "What's with the giggle and happiness where I'm not being invited about?"

"Breakfast first." He winked.

The man led the way to the kitchen as if it was not my house. I figured out that Mark has left for class as mentioned in his note on the fridge. Therefore, I was trapped with the celebrity whose kitchen finesse was topping mine. He was hardly puzzled in taking over the station.

"Being a local already." I joked. "Feeling comfy?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" He nodded excitedly. "How do you like your toast? Oh wait, let me guess. Are you the twins' team? Am I getting a yes for peanut butter and jelly?"

I nodded in disbelief.

"I knew it!"

Riley excitedly made me a generous PB&J toast, claiming that his was one of the best in the family. At this point I just tagged along and watched. The man himself was on top of his mood right now. He even sung the good-old Heart Like California as the theme song of his cooking show.

"With a glass of milk, like Mark said." He poured my almond milk from the fridge. "There you go, baby."

I was about to have my first bite and already choked on air. I bet he realized, but kept the smirk to himself. The weird breakfast time was filled with giggly Riley and my confused self. I guess the worried man from last night was leaving the house already. He was now a cheerful angel.

"It's Saturday," Riley took my dishes and washed it diligently.

"And day of punishment number two." I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna start cleaning Mark's room."

"You didn't let me finish." Riley held my waist. "Babe, it's Saturday."


He grabbed my folded tower on the couch. "Now go shower and I'll see you in thirty."

"I'm grounded, remember?"

"No?" Riley teased. "Just shower, please."

I lazily walked upstairs. I tried to let him know that I would be kicked out of the family if I ever stepped out of the house fence. But apparently the man never listened, too.

I tried to call Mom and Dad for a permission like a good girl I was, but they both were unreachable due to timezone. I also texted Mark but weirdly he has not responded. At the same time, Riley has been a whining boy because I kept on delaying. Thus, after long consideration, I finally chose violence and ran away with him.

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