Chapter 4

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"Alright kids, enough with the climbing things and let's go to the classroom!"

No one was answering. No, nobody was even paying attention that I have been standing here for a good five minutes before gave myself a shot to do the hardest part of my daily job.

"God, why." I shook my head.

"Good morning, Miss Jane!" I suddenly heard the twins' voice echoed in the hall.

I turned around and waved back. "Hi girls, good morning!"

I checked the watch on my wrist. The twins were coming late today, almost late. The snapback guy always drives them on time, even earlier than the rest of the kids. And obviously he, the one the twins were holding hands with, was not the snapback guy. Was he the daddy from yesterday?

"Why is everyone still outside?" Calista asked.

I nodded to the silhouette. "Because they're waiting for you two to come with me."

"But what about them, Miss Jane?"

"I have an idea."

I blinked at the twins who still held the daddy's hands, turned back around to our empty classroom and set something up. When ready, I walked back to the chaotic scene.

"Guys, who wants to play today?" I raised my hand to catch their attention.

Magically, not needing to scream too loudly, they all paused and looked at me.

"Finally." I breathed out. "This game is called Find The Yellow! Now let's make groups of three."

They followed my direction and found their best friends to set the groups. But the twins right there, they did not even move an inch.

"C'mon beautiful, find your partner." I nodded at Calista.

"We've made a three." She bit her nails and jumped excitedly.

I looked at how they stood. And of course, daddy was counted as the third member.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly whispered.

"Daddy's coming." Cassandra insisted, knowing I would say something about their decision on taking the daddy in.

"Sweetheart, we're about to go to the class. Daddy cannot go in with you." I leaned towards them and spoke softly.

"But everybody has their partners already." Cassandra was still taking the leading role.

"Alright, make a group of two then, special for you." I winked and stood up. "Now let's all find something veeeery yellow in the classroom. It's bright and so beautiful. The first group to find what it is, gets a little chocolate treat from me today."

Now the instruction made them crazy. Some were jumping, some others were pulling their friend's hand to get ready and hurry. I knew the trick would win me their attention. And so the race was started.

"Ready, set... Go!"

I guess I succeeded at making the hallway beyond noisy. Other teachers stood by their classroom door to see what happened. They should go easy with me though. Because here I was handling the new babies.

"Bye, dad!" Cassandra sprinted to the class with Calista's hand in her grip.

"Bye loves." He said softly.

I made my way to the classroom once I made sure that no kids were left behind. I nodded hesitatedly to the silhouette before leaving him in the hallway.

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