【79】Ragnarok Protocol

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The world was spinning around me, leaving me dizzy and disoriented

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The world was spinning around me, leaving me dizzy and disoriented. At the same time, it felt as if the Earth had stopped on its axis, time becoming meaningless. Countless questions filled my mind, too much at once to leave me capable of thinking rationally.

Why was the FBI here? Why was Lex so scared? What in the burning hell was going on? What had he done?

Mary had mentioned two groups, and the man wasn't asking for us to open, he was ordering it. It wasn't for simple questioning or inquiry. It was a full-on arrest. They were here to arrest Lex because he'd done something. But what?!

The man outside kept hammering on the door, compelling us to open it, threatening to have it broken in otherwise. But I could barely hear him, overwhelmed by the tumultuous thoughts in my mind, numbing all sounds around me. What was going on?

My body shook, and then I felt Lex's firm hands grasping my shoulders. This pulled me out of my torpor, and I met his worried eyes. The heavy bangs on the door were suddenly loud, way too loud, almost deafening.

"Andrea, focus," Lex ordered, placing himself in front of me. "I'm sorry. I never should have dragged you into my life. You deserve so much better, you deserve the fucking world."

"Lex, what's happening?"

"Baby, look at me," he urged, wiping away tears I didn't even know were running down my cheeks. A deafening blow suddenly hit the door, making me jump while Lex turned to the door. Fuck, they had taken out the battering ram. He returned to me while the banging continued, helpless as time slipped between our fingers. "Mary will help you understand. We don't have time for this." Pulling me into his embrace, he hugged me tightly, holding me against his normally comforting chest. But nothing about any of this was comforting. I was terrified.

Lex pulled my face up, plunging his gray eyes into mine. "I love you. This isn't your fault. I'm the one who-"

A thunderous crash interrupted him, the door finally breaking from the repeated assault of the team outside. A squad of fully geared men entered, with helmets, bullet-proof vests, and heavy artillery. The guys holding the ram dropped it while three others pointed their guns toward us. I was too stunned to even let it scare me, too shocked to recognize the danger of having deadly weapons aimed at us.

Lex let go of me and took a few steps toward them, keeping his hands up, leaving me desperately alone in the kitchen. I was numb, everything was numb. It had to stop. I couldn't stay like this, I needed my brain, needed to think, needed to act. When I heard shouts from the intruders, a jolt of clarity struck me.

"Put your hand behind your head and kneel on the ground!" a man shouted at Lex.

This wasn't happening. I couldn't let it happen. This had to be a mistake. I made a move toward Lex, ready to defend him the best I could. They had the wrong person.

Two men turned to me, their handguns pointed in my direction. That was when it struck me; the unconditional fear that one wrong move and all of this ended. One mistake from me or them, and I wouldn't live another day.

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