【13】The Red Coat

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By the time I parked by Lex's building, my initial enthusiastic rage had severely decreased

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By the time I parked by Lex's building, my initial enthusiastic rage had severely decreased.

The entire way there, I'd been angrily munching on my delicious croissant, the furor making me hungry. I'd also been overthinking, as usual, asking myself way too many questions.

What if they were wrong? Maybe Lex never loved me, maybe Michelle had misunderstood, and he hadn't meant he was in love with me. Maybe Lucy didn't know her brother that well, and it was some sort of wishful thinking going on.

I was petrified by the idea they were wrong about all this. A part of me was unconsciously clinging to it, hoping I wasn't unlovable in the end, hoping Lex's reaction was because of some misguided chain of thoughts, and not because he didn't want me. It would mean I wasn't completely crazy, and we had shared something unique. Something important.

I was parked close enough from Lex's building to see its entrance, and I stared at it for a moment, trying to build back the courage I'd felt as I'd left the restaurant. I could do this. Just in case they had been right, I had to do this. I needed to call him out on his shit and make him understand this wasn't the way to go at it. This wasn't what I wanted, regardless of what he may think.

Because I was a coward, and because I needed to delay this confrontation as much as possible, I checked on my phone. I scrolled through a few notifications and saw Hugh had answered. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit...

I reluctantly opened the email, certain he would tell me to fuck off, especially for emailing him on a Saturday. With what I'd just learned about Lex, there was no way I would leave and work for Hugh. That dick must have been one of those assholes who'd bullied him and treated him differently. I could never do this to Lex, regardless of how this would go.

I read the message anyway, curious to know what Hugh had to say about my spontaneous application. I read it all in one go, my mind filled with confusion and apprehension. Once I reached the end of it, I was surprised by how remarkably professional and amiable it was. Was I missing the sarcasm? Were there some innuendos I wasn't getting here and there? Not sure if I'd gotten it right, I read it again, paying attention to every little detail.

Hugh wasn't sending me on my way, telling me to fuck off, nor was he making crass jokes about my affair with Lex. On the contrary. He was reiterating his offer, that I'd be paid twice my current pay to work for them, extending the deal all the way to the end of this year, in about seven weeks. His lack of mention of Lex was making me a little wary, almost like he was setting a tempting, inviting trap I couldn't resist, only to release its deadly claws on me. Or maybe he really wanted me at Avoss, and was making sure not to offend me in any way. It could be either because of my abilities, or to poach me from Kelex.

Anyhow, I didn't have to worry about Hugh trying to manipulate me or lying for some reason. I wouldn't take his offer. Not after Lucy's revelations.

I glimpsed at the building entrance, wondering if I could ever muster the courage to get in. I tried to remind myself of the things that had made me drive all the way here like a madwoman, wanting to confront him so badly. He'd told Michelle he loved me, which I very much needed confirmation on. Had he seriously told someone before telling me?! Okay, well... I had taken the longest time to tell him, only to actually not tell him. I couldn't blame it for doubting and hesitating since I'd done the same. But I still needed to know. Had he really loved me?

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