【08】Waiting Foolishly

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Coming back to work on Monday was harder than I thought

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Coming back to work on Monday was harder than I thought. I'd spent the weekend thinking about what had happened, and I had absolutely no idea how to handle it.

Frustration was the predominant feeling coming out of all this. I was frustrated with myself for allowing him to get under my skin and ruining all my efforts at getting over him. I was frustrated with him for saying those things and acting the way he had, because I knew alcohol didn't lie, but rather loosened inhibitions. I was frustrated to be coming back without a clue on what to do or say about Friday night's incident.

But the most irritating thing was the sexual frustration.

It seemed that the initial shock from our breakup had lowered my expectations and needs. Almost as if I'd forgotten all the things he could do to me and how amazingly well he knew my body. Like the most gifted musician with his instrument of predilection, he knew precisely what string to pull, what key to push, what part to graze to get exactly what he wanted out of my body.

And he wanted it all.

Or at least, he had. Every curve, every moan, every inch of skin, every drop of sweat... He'd been relentless in giving and taking so much more than I thought I could handle. Everything in me longed to find myself in the same state of utter bliss, pure euphoria only he could put me in.

All of this had seemingly vanished from my thoughts, or had been discarded, in what I could only see was an unconscious self-defense mechanism. If I didn't remember exactly how amazing we were together, I'd miss him less, right?

But the moment we'd had after the Halloween party had brought it all back.

I couldn't be in denial anymore. My mind, my body, and my libido had been painfully reminded of what his touch felt like, and how wrecking it was to be in his embrace, how much our bodies were meant to be together.

Now, not only was I missing being around him, but I was also starving to have him again. Given how pathetic my attempts at staying away from him had been in our early days, I feared it would turn into a monumental failure.

What I was sure of, though, was that we needed to talk. We had to set boundaries. Clearly, I couldn't be trusted around him, and I had to believe he'd use some of his legendary self-control to not mess me up further than I was. As pathetic as it may sound, I needed him to stay away because I was incapable of doing it myself.

I left the Lair in the middle of the morning to head upstairs and have some time alone with him. I didn't want to do this during the lunch break, and I was most certainly not staying after hours.

I knew my plan was ruined when I noticed from afar that his door was open. Someone was in there with him. I hesitated to turn around and come back later but decided to check who it was, knowing it could very well just be someone from accounting, dropping off some papers to sign.

As I came closer, I heard Lex and Kevin talking, as well as a woman's voice that was familiar; but I couldn't quite put a face on it. When I reached Lex's office, I knew from a single glance who was in there with them. The stroller and the pretty brunette next to it were self explanatory. Kevin's wife, Michelle, was visiting with their newborn baby.

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