Chapter 22

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(Above drawing is originally made by me)

Yuno carefully stepped over some fallen parts and spilt liquids. There was nothing he knew in this space. He had to be careful and alert.

He smelt something very familiar.

" Basil leaves?"

He caught the wiff of Basil leaves, even though it's smell was weak.
Someone's making something out of basil? Weird.

Then he tripped on another scent.


This time, the smell became stronger the closer he walked up to a cupboard. A cupboard in the far end of the room.

Yuno's curiosity tugged him closer to it. His mind imagined nasty and horrifying things, but he kept shutting it out.

Something stopped him on his tracks.

A strong force in his stomach.
It felt like his insides were being pulled into a black hole.
He hissed as he clutched his body.

He felt that his fairy friend was in trouble.

He snapped his body around and broke out into a run.

But the second he did, he was surrounded by cloaked figures.

There were five men, spread around him, and wrapped in dark red and black cloaks hiding their entire body and visages. They were on their spot, not moving even an inch.

Yuno immediately pulled out his grimoire.

Crap. Bell, she's in a bad situation. I need to take them out--
"I remember you."

A deep voice came from one of the cloaked figures. Except this man was draped in full black.

"You came here to defeat us, and to find a way to heal your demonic friend, right?"

........I remember this voice....why do I remember this voice......

Yuno payed no attention to the man's words. He flipped through his pages.

"Crescent Kamaitachi!!"

He sent curved blades of wind at the man in black.


They all took a turn and returned to Yuno.

......Th..This is...!!

Before he knew it, he was bleeding from three different places.

He flipped through his pages once again.
"We don't have to fight, Yuno."

The cloaked man spoke again.
"Shut up....Wind Fang!"

"It's all useless boy."

Yuno swung his arm forward and sent a massive blast of wind with a claw at the tip. Upon almost reaching them, it changed it's track and rammed into the wall above them.

"It's useless, Yuno of the Golden Dawn."

Yuno panted as he finally absorbed his words. He wasn't the one to listen.

"We only want one thing. We only want your friend. Lead me to him, and you'll be free. You and your other comrades."

Yuno realized.
"Oh. You want Asta, huh...."

The raven haired male summoned a massive hawk behind him, a hawk made out of cold wind.
"You'll have to go through me."

The cloaked man didn't budge. They seemed unfazed with Yuno's mana levels.

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