Chapter 11

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Asta woke up with a gasp.

He stared at the ceiling with wide eyes, before jolting upwards. He breathed heavily, sometimes not even exhaling.

His vision finally sharpened and he looked around. base..
Asta tried standing but his head was spinning uncontrollably. It looked as-if the world was tilting. To re-navigate, he placed his foot down, and got adjusted to the temperature, directions, and where his body was.

He slowly placed his other foot down to the earth.

Asta gripped the blanket. I here....?
Asta's eyes closed.
I left this place...long ago....didn't I...?
His thoughts were disturbed when he heard his room door open.
He turned around and saw Noelle.
She ran towards him and hugged him tighter than she ever has.
"Y-You idiot! Why didn't you come back here?! We know about your devil, so we can help you out!"

Asta had completely forgotten about the night he told the Black Bulls about his devil. They're the only ones who know, and they're the only ones who can solve the problem.

"It's fine. You're here now, so it's fine."
Noelle got off his bed.
"C'mon, we're having breakfast and then immediately going to--"
The girl turned around and met with Asta, who had his hands on both the sides of his head.
"Noelle....I...why do I have....."
She moved up to him and removed his hands to check what happened.
Her eyes widened, and her breath hitched.
Noelle moved her hands across two straight pointed horns on both sides.
"But only happens when someone uses forbidden magic!"
Asta and Noelle turned their heads to eachother.
"......oh shit..."

"Asta! Noelle! What are you doing in there?! Making out?!"
Magna screeched as he knocked on the door.
The two teens panicked and searched the room for something that could cover his tiny horns. Because of Asta's wild hair, the horns were barely visible, but Magna and Vanessa love giving him headpats as his senior. Even Finral.
(Aww omg)

Magna opened the door and yelled.
"I'm coming in!"
"'re already in..."
The taller male saw Asta and Noelle in shook faces, and Nero perched on Asta's head.
"Y'all look like y' saw a ghost....
Anyways, glad to know yer awake, little Rasta!"
"Good Morning, Magna-Senpai!"
They both hugged.
" coming for breakfast?"
Asta and Noelle side glanced at eachother.
"No, actually...Doctor Owen did tell us to come meet him as soon as Asta woke up..."
"Oh, okay...then you both just grab a sandwich and get going. Okay? No empty stomachs here."
"Yes, Senpai."
"Hai, Magna-Senpai!"


Asta and Noelle made it through the castle town, with Nero perched on his head at all times. That does mean that Nero knows. She saw them panicking over his Wegh and Magna about to find out, so she offered help. Nobody would suspect a thing, because she always sits on his head.

The true surprise was despite the fact that Nero covered his horns and no-one saw them, all three of them got dirty looks from most of the people in the town. They heard even whispers.

'It's him....the one who destroyed the Golden Dawn's base....'
'He looked so demonic....what is he?'
'It seems that bird on his head is actually a human who played around with forbidden magic!'
'Ew....they're even hanging out with a royal blood...'
'What if the House Of Silva is siding with the devils...?'

These gossips and remarks grew more as they reached closer to the main castle.

Noelle said under her breath, when she saw a massive crowd of people in front of the King's and Wizard King's building. The two slowly approached the crowd, and slipped their way inside, trying their best not to be noticed. There was so much movement and commotion that the two short teens could barely stick together.

The second Asta was about to slip away, Noelle grabbed his arm and pulled him with her. They both scurried through the gaps of the crowd.

Oh how angry Asta and Noelle were when their luck flew out the window.

A man with supposedly keen vision spotted the two of them and the bird.
One by one the entire crowd noticed their presence and moved away from them with shocked and scared faces.
Nero pecked at Asta's head and pointed to the direction of the entrance, which was barricaded by huge iron bars.
"C'mon, Noelle! Run!"
The teens ran as fast as they could, and the crowd actually due to moving away created a path straight to the castle.

On reaching the gates, guardian mages shot magic and yelled at the civilians to move away. They barely dodged the magic as they made contact with the gate.
"C'mon! Do you wanna die?!"
Noelle shouted as she vaulted the tall gate, followed by Asta who climbed over it. Upon reaching the other side, they had a little surprise waiting for them.

They were surrounded by guardian mages who were getting ready to hit the three with various different magic attributes.

The two teens moved back and guarded themselves. Asta was about to open his grimoire, when Noelle walked up front.
"Noelle?! What are you..doing?!"
She walked up in front of Asta and took a big breath.
"As you know, I'm Noelle Silva of the House Of Silva, I've come here with him for a reason. I wish to see the Wizard King."
The mages glanced at eachother with unsure looks.
Noelle flicked her hair and continued.
" can't disobey me because I'm royalty, by the way. The sister of Nozel Silva, the captain of the Silver Eagles."
The mages lowered their hands, and Asta lowered his grimoire.
"Let me see the wizard king, and I'll leave you in peace."
Asta was dumbstruck seeing Noelle controlling an entire army of mages to help her out.
He couldn't help but smile.

One of the mages reached out for his pocket and took out a communication device. He nodded to the voice of the other person, and slid it back in.

They came to them and secured their wrists with cuffs.
Nero chirped inside the cage she was stuffed into.

The three were forcefully pulled by the mages into the castle.

What's happening?!
Asta's inner voice yelled.
The wizard king would never do this to us....

Where are we being taken?!

A Twisted Kind Of King_[Black Clover]Where stories live. Discover now