Chapter 8

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Before the boys knew it, it was already sunrise. Asta had slept on Yuno's bed, and Yuno slept on the floor. Asta insisted that they sleep on the same bed, but his offer was declined.

He looks the same as from the dream. He thought his personality would change sooner or later. He still keeps a watch on Asta..he isn't entirely friendly with him, like he used to be.

This morning, he walked up to his garden, and waited, as requested by his captain, William Vangeance. He felt like his captain didn't like something, as if.. Yunos doing something wrong. He then heard grass shifting, to his captain's weight.

"Good Morning, Captain Vangeance."
"Good Morning, Yuno. Do you know why I called you here?"
"....don't know, captain. Is it regarding Asta?"
The gentle captain raised his right hand, and watched the Bluebirds in the area perch on his fingers.
"Beautiful, aren't they?"
"...they are, captain. I really liked Bluebirds as a child."
Vangeance brought his hand down, with one bird still hanging on. He spoke as he pet the bird.
"I sense something different coming from your friend. As if...he has mana on him."
Yuno was shocked.
".....captain..that's impossible. Maybe it's from his bracelet, or something..."
"Yes, I think so too. If that bracelet has mana, it must be disturbing and hurting him right now."
He looked up.
"Did you notice any strange behavior?"
Yuno took a few seconds to recollect.
"Yes, sir. He was stuttering a lot. That's definitely not a normal thing for him. Maybe it's just trauma."
"Oh....the night I found him, he seemed to be tugging on the bracelet really hard, but it wouldn't come off. He seemed hurt, like you suggested."
Vangeance and Yuno were quiet before Yuno spoke,
"We should remove the--"
Yuno turned his head, questioning his answer.
"The bracelet has been identified as a signal for internal body changes. For example...the bracelet is green. If he goes into his anti-magic black form, it might turn red."
".....that makes sense."
Yuno wanted to say something, but he didn't know what. He remembered the man who dropped off Asta, but he didn't know where he was.

The conversation went on with his captain, while there was a different situation in Yuno's room.


"I think Yunos outside....we should be able to check on him...."
Klaus and Mimosa tip-toed to Yuno's room, to check on the boy. The blue haired boy hushed the girl who was excited, and creaked the door open.
"Who's there?"
Came Asta's voice. The two curious people peeked in, and saw their friend on the bed reading a book. That friend saw them too.

Klaus hollered, and ran towards him.
Both of them flung their arms around the surprised boy.
"Guys! It's fine! I'm fine!"
They both let go.
"Asta! We...We're sorry we couldn't save you! We didn't even realize...!"
"You were too far away! I couldn't catch you with my vines!"

Asta just reassured them for a straight two minutes.

"So...where's Yuno?"
Asta held his chin dramatically, like he was thinking. He hummed before saying.
"Oh! I think he's gone to see his captain! He told me to stay here and, man!"
Asta stood up on his bed.
"I don't wanna stay still!"
"Just for a few days, Asta-Kun...we're really worried about you."
Mimosa pulled him down, and made him sit properly.
"Anyways, Asta..has anything happened to you? Anything weird?"
Klaus sat beside him on his bed. Asta looked down at his crossed legs.
"Yeah, kind of..."
"You wanna tell us, Asta-Kun?"
He looked confused and sad at the same time. This made the two seniors more worried.
"Yesterday, Yuno was sitting on a chair and was reading a book, with his back turned away from me."

Asta paused and lifted his left arm with the bracelet, and glanced at it.

".....this bracelet started gleaming, and I don't know what got into me, I wanted to....
hurt him....
For some reason....."
Mimosa was wordless, but Klaus asked him,
"What do you mean? How did you want to hurt him?"
Asta's lips drooped into a frown, and shivered.
"My...sense of smell jumpped really high, and all I could smell was blood. My fingers were twitching, like they wanted to hold something... I just thought I wanted to be close to him."

Klaus looked away, and adjusted his glasses. Mimosa glanced at Asta's bracelet.

It gleamed.
It reeked of a stench of fresh corpses.
She looked up and her eyes met his.

The boy's eyes were frozen, with no light in them. They were an unnatural dark red shade.
He stared into nothingness, with his mouth half open.
"Klaus....what's happening to him?"
"Mimosa...step back."
They both crawled away and got up.
Came the boy's voice.


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