Arc 1: Campus Pentagonal Love (7)

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Being left to work by Alex, Dylan went out from the restaurant and walked in pedestrian track followed by Raphael.

"So, I will call you Raph, is that ok?"

"Yes" answered a flat and cold voice

"Then Raph, don't walk behind me, walk beside me, here" pointed Dylan to his right side.

Hearing that, Raphael quickly walked beside Dylan.

"Raph, this is heavy, bring it for me" said Dylan while giving Raphael his violin.

Raphael took it without hesitation.

"Raphael, I am thirsty. Buy me a can of orange juice"

5 minutes later, Dylan sat on a bench under a tree while drinking a can of orange juice and Raphael sat beside him like a stone statue.

"Alpha, Raphael is handsome and hot actually and I want to try to conquer this stone statue" said Dylan with serious face

"Host, don't you have any proper thought in your head rather than 'seducing and conquering men'?"

"Well, what do you think Alpha~?"


"Oh come on, all type of men, I want to know them better"

"Yeah right -_-"

Finishing his orange juice, Dylan threw the can to the dustbin, the can hit inside the dustbin and there was loud 'clang' from it. After, the 'clang' sound, there was a weak cat voice heard from behind the dustbin.


"Oh god, there's cat behind it"

Dylan rush to the behind of the dustbin, and there lied a wounded dirty cat.

"Oh my god, a wounded cat! Raph, quick call a taxi. We are going to a veterinarian nearby"

After 15 minutes, they arrived at the veterinarian nearby. While hugging a weak and wounded cat, Dylan looked for a doctor.

"Doctor, please help this cat"

Dylan ran with his flushed face and sweaty bang on his forehead. His face full of worry and it made people who looked him feel pity and worry, want to protect and erase his worry.

Raphael looked at this view and he felt that his new client was so fragile and kind-hearted with a little haughtiness of a little prince. When they first met at the restaurant, Raphael thought that his client would be a spoiled brat, so he didn't have any thought that his judgement toward a person would be very wrong. Raphael was one of few top bodyguard in his agency. He often be appointed for VIP clients. He had cold demeanour and never felt any feeling toward his client since his client mostly cocky old rich men or sly and cruel wealthy women, and most of his judgement were totally correct . Thus, he never had any intention of knowing his clients' business, but looking at Dylan right now, he felt the will to protect. Not because of he was his bodyguard, but because he was willing.

What a strange feeling thought Raphael

The cat was taken by the doctor to be examined. Dylan panted while grabbing Raphael arm.

"huftt, hah, hufttt I ho- pe, hah the cat will save"

Looking at panted Dylan, Raphael let the grab go and hold Dylan instead to stabilise his stand. Feeling Raphael's hold, the weak Dylan lean on big body behind him and resting. Raphael hold him and took him to seat still leaning on Raphael.

"What a surprise, you have a good heart to save a cat" said Alpha

"Aiya Alpha, what do you think of me. My grandma loves cat so I could not stand on seeing wounded cat"

"You are a good grandson but bad man for earth"

"Hey, what bad, I am a sexy man on earth"

"I'm sorry, my fault, you are not bad, you are scummy"

"Ay, let me kiss you here :3"


~The system will be inactive for a moment~

Dylan still leaning on Raphael and Raphael saw Dylan unbuttoning his upper button of his shirt because he felt hot of running to the veterinarian from the main street. Raphael could see Dylan's white neck and sexy collarbone from it. He gulped. For the first time, Raphael felt something wrong with him. He kinda felt of wanting to see more of it and thoroughly, not only neck and collarbone.

What's wrong with me? This is my first day and I actually lusting on my client? In fact, a young boy? thought Raphael.

Raphael saw women indifferently. He rarely had sexual intercourse, but he ever did it once or twice in few months. It's not like he's abstinence, it's just that he's not that attracted to do it. But now, he attracted to do it? With a client? A man? Young boy to be precise.

"Hey Raph, how do you have to be so tall? You even have broad shoulder. Aiy aiy, I'm jealous" said Dylan suddenly while poking on Raphael's chest.

Raphael looked at a small and milky white hand poking at his chest. Seeing it, he wanted that hand to touch not only his chest but- . Snapped to reality, Raphael grab that hand and surprised to feel the smoothness and softness of smaller hand.

"Ay. Just kidding. Don't be angry Raph, hmm?" asked Dylan while acting cute looked at Raphael with his big eyes

Straight Rapahel for the first time in his straight life, felt the urge to push this young boy down and do everything he wanted. Raphael almost lost to his lust if not for the doctor came and called Dylan.

"It's like this, the cat, it was dehydrated, starving and these old wounds were infected so unfortunately we could not save the cat. I'm sorry" said doctor apologetically

Hearing it, Dylan felt sad. Dylan admitted that he was not a good person, the death of strangers do not matter for him, even less animals. But, if you finding it in front of you, and you felt that you could help, surely you will do the best for it, especially the things that could remind you of someone you love.

Rapahel looked at Dylan's sad face, and he couldn't help of feeling hurt in his heart.

"This is not your fault, the cat was already in bad state from the beginning" said Raphael trying to calm Dylan

Dylan said nothing just smiled to Raphael. After paying for the doctor's care, Dylan went back home.

"Raphael's right, this was not your fault. Please don't be sad"

"Thanks Alpha, I just felt that even though I have much money now, there always be something or someone I couldn't save"

"At least, you have good intention"

"Thanks Alpha"


A/N : Wuwuwuwuwu, Dylan, what a good boy, pleasedon't be sad. Btw, I hope it's ok for you that the MC is kinda playful, cunning and ehem craving for hot men. Relax, he is a good boy (in this mother eyes,hehe).  

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