Arc 1: Campus Pentagonal Love(8)

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 In the next morning, after feeling better, Dylan woke up and prepared for his class this morning. He went down to the dining room and had breakfast with Mommy McKenzie.

"Honey dear, are you feeling better?" worried Mommy McKenzie

"Yes mom, sorry to make you worried"

Yesterday Dylan went back home with sad face and refused to talk to the family. Raphael who disguised as his friend, told everything to them.

"You did great honey" said Mommy McKenzie while kissing his son's face.

Dylan felt warm and weakly said thank you to Mommy McKenzie. After having all tender affection from her, all sadness already vanished. Raphael had waited out of the mansion gate. To avoid Mommy McKenzie's suspicion, Alex placed Raphael to disguised as Dylan's friend who went to university together. Entering the car together, Raphael couldn't help to ask Dylan.

"Are you ok?" asked Raphael worriedly

"Ah, Raph it's ok" smiled Dylan

After being convince of Dylan being ok, Raphael started to ask his schedule for today.

"What are your plans for today after class?"

"Hmm, I don't really have plans, I'll think about it later. By the way Raph, how old are you?"

"I'm 22"

"You are older, but relax you are still suitable for become the first year, well except for your height and wide shoulder. How tall are you?"

"1.9 m"

"No wonder I looked so small around you, I'm just 1.7 m" said Dylan with pouted lips.

Ah, his pouted face is cute thought Raphael

"Ehem, you look good with that height" said Raphael with his shy voice

"Of course, although I'm not that tall like you or Aaron"


"Yes, he's kinda just like you haha. Although he is more handsome" said Dylan while stick his tongue out

Raphael did not focus on the handsome matter, but focused more on Dylan's pink little tongue.

"Ay don't be angry, you are handsome too, hehe. Come on, we arrived. Let me take you to our major building"

Because of yesterday, Raphael had spent all night thinking about his sexuality and he kinda aware that he might be interested to this client. Raphael thought to repress his feeling and focused more on his job to protect him.

"Host, the female lead will appear today, be prepare"

"Ay Ay, I don't want to chase her Alpha"

"Like I said that you just need to pretend of chasing her. You don't need to spend all time, just twice or five times chasing activity"

"Ughh, Alpha I want my reward"

"This is your job stated in contract, not free-to-choose-quest"

"Yesss~. You no fun fun to joke joke"


Because Dylan was so focus on talking with Alpha, he bumped onto someone.

"Ouchhh, my forehead. Wait, why do I feel like de javu?"

"Because you did it yesterday Dylan" answered Aaron softly while hugging Dylan.

"Aaron, I bumped you two days in a row. hahaha" said Dylan while hug back Aaron

Raphael moved quite slow and couldn't pull Dylan from Aaron's hug. His sharp eyes focus on Aaron's hands on Dylan's waist angrily.

Aaron could feel happiness on his body when hugging Dylan, his hand even crawl to pinch Dylan's waist which he felt so soft. He also enjoyed on smelling Dylan's smell which delight him.

"Ay, Aaron don't pinch me. It tickle" said Dylan while light slap on Aaron's back

"What is this, you don't like me anymore?" asked Aaron with his deep and husky voice on Dylan's ear

Stunned hearing that tone, Dylan paused for a moment.

"Alphaaaa~, Aaronn hooked on me~ heheehe"

"Because he hasn't met the female lead yet. Let's see"

"What? You wanna bet?"

"System do not bet"

"You afraid ahh"

"I don't"

"Yes, you do. You know that I can seduce Aaron, hehehe"

"According to the data, he is straight so impossible"

"I believe Jayden and Kyle also straight in the data right?~"

Alpha could not denied that fact and be silent.

"You afraid, Alpha afraid"

"Fine, let's bet. Aaron's like this because he hasn't met the female lead yet"

"Ok, the winner can ask for anything"


Having talk in his head, what Aaron saw was Dylan's dazed expression which made he couldn't help on biting Dylan's ear lewdly. Before Dylan realised what happened, he could feel the hard pull from behind which showing Raphael's dark face pointed to Aaron.

"What are you doing?" asked Raphael coldly

"None of your business. Who are you?" asked Aaron back with his domineering aura.

Looking at 2 tigers wanted to bite each other, Dylan couldn't help of taking pop co-, ehem. Dylan couldn't help to try to shifting their attention.

"Aaron, this is new transfer student in my class. It happened that he knew my brother Alex so we went together here" said Dylan while acted cute

This shameful host doesn't even feel shame on selling cuteness thought Alpha

"Raphael this is Aaron, we know each other started from our childhood. He is my best of the best number 2 brother after brother Alex" said Dylan while acted proud

Looking at Dylan like this, Aaron and Raphael forgot their animosity for a while and without they realised, they looked at Dylan with soft and pampering eyes.

"Aaron, it's almost time for your class right? It's better for you to go before late" said Dylan softly while tugging on Aaron's sleeve.

Aaron grab Dylan's soft smooth hand and squeeze it lovingly. Yes, after thinking hard all night just like Raphael, Aaron finally realised his feeling and his lust for this younger childhood friend of his, and without further ado he decided to start chasing him.

"Let me take you to your class" said Aaron softly

"What? You've never done that before. Usually Jayden and Kyle did that" responded Dylan confusedly.

"So, you don't want this brother number two take you to your class?" asked Aaron teasingly

"No, it's just you will be late for your class"

"It's ok, my lecturer texted us that he will be late, so I won't be late"

"Really? Then, let's go" said Dylan happily and drag Aaron to walk with him.

Raphael followed behind with his black face.


Jayden & Kyle : why do we feel that our appearance are getting less these days. Author, we need                                   to talk (⌒‿⌒)

Author                :That's hahaha, I could explain T.T 

Quick Transmigration: Being a Hot Author (BL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora