Arc 2: Three Mafia Heads Fight for My Attention (2)

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"I wasn't at fault" said a voice belong to cold face young boy.

"I'm not blaming you or anything, I'm trying to know what was happening there?" asked an officer in a police station

"They attacked me and I'm just defending myself"

"You were the one who attack us first you psycho!" yelled one of those seven students while groaning

"Yeah just wait you maggot, I will make you rotten in jail!" added another injured students with his bluish face

"Shut up or I will make you sleep in jail tonight!"

Those nagging students finally were quiet while sending angry glare to Josh which was received by his indifference.

"For now, we have contacted all of your parents to pick you up"

Josh didn't give any respond and the police officer who asked him just sighing looking at him. Unfortunately, before Dylan talked to Josh, another patrol police came and bring them to the police station. Not more than 1 hour, all parents came and was busy looking at their children with the scratches and bluish face.

"Oh no, what happen with my baby boy?! Who did this to you?" asked one of the parents

"Yeah, what happened to you kids?"

"This is his fault" pointed one of them

"Look, we are the one who got all this injury while he is still fine" added another student

A father from one of them walked to Josh and yelled in front of him.

"You! How dare you did that to them, this bastard!" said that man while trying to hit Josh but was block by a police officer there.

"Please no violence sir"

"What's your name! where's your parent, let us talk to them now!"

"Father, he doesn't have parents. He is an orphan"

"An orphan? No wonder you are like this. You must be unwanted child from a whore"

"Sir! Your words really not suitable to be said!"

"Listen officer, we want make a report about this. We won't feel safe with that kind of bastard to be around our precious children. He is dangerous!"

"It's better to look at the evidence before making that kind of decision" said Dylan suddenly.

Yes, Dylan. He followed them to the police station and saw all that yelling from the beginning from the corner. He did not interfere because he waited for the right time. The right time to show the evidence to be exact because Alpha needed time to conduct the evidence.

"Officer white, let me use your computer first" called Dylan from the name badge of that officer

"Ok, you are?"

"Officer Wilde from the West Station. I have an investigation around that area so I have a CCTV recording near that place"

Officer White looked at Dylan from top to bottom, not sure that this cute and slender boy to be a policeman. Looking at his face full of doubt, Dylan showed him the police ID card. Officer White looked at it and checked the originality of that ID card and finally let Dylan used the computer.

"Here is the CCTV, all of you may look at it this clear record"

Dylan showed them the record. From the record, they could see that Josh walked alone in the street then he looked like looking or hearing something from the alley and walked to it. In the alley, there were seven students who cornered two girls. Those girls looked scared of them and in the brim of crying. One of students even snatch their bag and took out the money from there. When Josh walked closer, all of them looked at Josh. When, they are busy looking at Josh, those 2 girls use their strength left to run as fast as they could, ran away from them. Those students looked furious and tried to beat Josh. All of them together attack Josh but Josh could avoid those attack. In another attack when all of them ran to him, Josh tackled the closer one and it gave domino effect to them. It made them beat their selves and hurt their own face.

"Do you see that? Clearly?" asked Dylan

"No way! There's no CCTV there!" one of those students yelled

"In fact, those girls now outside, ready to give their words" added Dylan

Two girls from the record came in and gave the words. Their money was looted by them, even some of them tried to slap them when they refused to give them money. That money was their salary from part time job which they planned to use for buying medicine for their parents. If not for Josh coming, they wouldn't be here, said them while sobbing.

All parents hearing that looked red of shame and anger, their previous concern turned into beating their children.

"You! You dare doing that bad things!"

"Wuwuwuwu, my son, how come you did that" cried all mothers there.

Officers there tried to stop them from beating their children. To get more thorough investigation, the seven students were taken to take drug and alcohol test and from the test, two of seven were identified of using drug and all of them were identified of drinking alcohol.

"The guardians, because they were identified of using drug and alcohol, added with their act of looting another people, we need to proceed this according to the law in our country"

The parents, knowing the thing their children will face collapsed to the ground. With that kind of crime tagged in their young age, their future undoubtedly would bleak. Dylan took his chance to talk to Josh and offered his help of taking him home to the orphanage.

"So, Josh, let me take you to the orphanage" said Dylan while showing his best smile

Josh looked at Dylan for a while then nodded his head.

They took the car and Dylan started to Drive.

"Josh, why didn't you tell the truth regarding to what was happen there?"

Dylan question took a long silence to be answered. When Dylan planned to stop asking, Josh answered his question.

"Nobody believes in my words"

"No way! How come!"

There was no any words came out after that even after Dylan let him go back to the orphanage. Dylan looked at Josh's back and Josh looked so lonely and cold.

"This will be hard Alpha" sighed Dylan

"For now, let's going home first" answered Alpha 

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