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Journal entry
Sometimes I get so lucky, it feels like a lie. Maybe this good luck is fate trying to balance out the bad I experienced in the ring. It's nowhere close to balancing out, but it's a start.

"What are you doing in my chair?"

I swung around in the swivel chair to see to see a lanky blonde-haired boy with bluish eyes. He was handsome in a cute boyish way but had a frown on his face.

"Sorry" I quickly apologized standing up "you must be the sick staff" I slapped myself inwardly. Way to go, Mina. Great first impression. "I mean, previously sick... you know"

Now that I'm standing, I notice he is just about an inch taller than my 5ft 5". Not so intimidating after all.

He regarded me with narrowed eyes and folded his arms across his chest.

"Who are you? He queried.

I opened my mouth to speak just as Eve walked in carrying a tray is delicious smelling croissants. "I see you've met Matt" she said. "She dropped the tray in the counter. "Put these in the show-glass please" she told me.

I got to work arranging the croissants in the lit show-glass while Eve turned to Matt. "What did I say about coming in late?"

"The guidance counselor wanted to talk to me about college applications." He replied. "You didn't tell me we were getting a new staff."

Eve scoffed. "Like I discuss business decisions with you.''

"Are you trying to replace me?"

Eve sighed at the same time I rolled my eyes. Such a baby.

"Get to work Matt and stop whining." She scolded.

She went to the kitchen and Matt eyed me meanly. "I get all the tips".

"Whoever serves a customer gets the tip. Now get your ass in here Matt", yelled Eve from the kitchen.

He fixed his collar and straitened his shirt, then walked to the kitchen after giving me what he thought was a glare. I shook my head. Highschool boys!


I've been working at Eve's corner for a week now. I spent the morning cleaning surfaces and prepping the kitchen for Eve's baking. The afternoons were pretty lazy and boring. I wish I had a book to read. By 4pm or thereabout, Matt strolls in. We're actually really cool now. All that drama on the first day must have been about establishing his territory or something. After seeing that I had no experience whatever and will be understudying him, he was more relaxed. Turns out his also a good cook. I was impressed when I tasted his mushroom soup - it reminded me of Tetura's achara soup. Not bad for a seventeen-year old. I told him he will be one of the greatest chefs in a few years. Of course he agreed arrogantly. That's Matt.

Now I'm not going to lie, I miss Nigerian food. In the ring, we sometimes pulled funds together and prepared a delicious Nigerian soup which we ate with foo-foo. I miss foo-foo and native soup, It was my favorite meal. Sometimes, we made jollof rice with fried chicken. Matt's delicacies almost made up for it. Eve was the master of all delicacies though. She always made sure I had a sizable portion of food to take home with me every night. Beneath all that though attitude,she was just a mother hen.

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