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Journal entry

I'm hopeful that I'd find love like this again, or maybe an even greater love. 

I'm hopeful that I will rise again, maybe even higher, like the wind.

Mina's POV

Now that grief is out of the way and Luke is out of my life, heartbreak is back in full force. I thought I was over this episode of painful emotions. The discussion with Luke  at the lake hurt more than I want to admit. It hurt because he didn't choose me. Was our love really that fickle? I liked to think we had something strong and powerful going on. Maybe it was all in my head.

I'm glad Tetura is here. I wouldn't have gotten off from my bed or bothered for food. But after a day of acting like a miserable old widow, I started to feel guilty that I was making her worry so much about me. I mean she's pregnant. I should be the one taking care of her.

Saturday morning, I woke up to make breakfast and realized we were out of eggs. This girl eats like a buffalo I thought with a smile. I sometimes teased her that her baby will get too big to come out of her coochie.

"I'm going to the mall Tet" I announced.

"Wait, I'm coming too" she called back from the room. "I've been in this town for three days and you haven't even taken me anywhere. Way to go, Mina"

I rubbed my forehead guiltily. That was true. I'm a terrible host. She showed up at the door in one of my shirts which looked like a bodyhug on her. I chuckled.

"And we need to buy you some maternity clothes too. You're beginning to look like a baby elephant"

"Shut up" she laughed.

We got to the mall and went to the clothes section first. "Nice that you don't buy secondhand clothes anymore" Tetura said looking around "but I can't afford this. I don't have much money"

"Tet, shut up." I chided. "I got you."

After getting her clothes, we did the grocery shopping and walked to the counter to pay. The cashier was ringing up our stuff when I heard whispers behind me.

"Isn't that the girl that was in a sex-traficking ring?" a voice said.

I froze

"It's definitely her" another voice responded. "I can't believe she was serving us lunch at school for months. The school needs to do more background checks on their workers."

"Exactly. What if she was sent to help kidnap more girls." the first voice continued.

I turned and saw two teenage girls whispering behind me. They looked away guiltily.

"Y'all have something to say to her? Stop whispering and say it with your full chest" Tetura spat out. They didn't respond.

I looked around the store and saw a couple of people staring at me too. I began to feel very self-conscious and nervous. How did they know about the ring? Besides Tetura here and Luke, only Adam, Eve and Matt knew about the ring at this point. I hastily paid for the things and rushed out of the store.

"Mina, hold up" Tetura said behind me. Once I got to the sidewalk, I dropped the bags on the floor and pulled out my phone.

"Matt, did you go about telling people about me?" I asked as soon as he picked up. It couldn't be Adam, or Eve, or Luke.

Once Upon A Prostituteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें