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Journal entry

It took some heartbreak and a lot of pain, but I finally realized I deserve so much more.

Luke's POV

I sped down the grey endless roads that led to home...that led to her. She hadn't answered any of my calls or replied my messages. I know we should have talked before I went back to school. But after my discussion with my father on Friday, I didn't know how to face her. I had promised her I will get out. How could I go back and say I couldn't until 7months later. I needed to come up with a plan on how to let her know without losing her.  I hope she's not too pissed to listen to the proposition I want to make. It's the only way.For once, I wished I had my father's persuasion skills.

Since this week begun, I had been in school trying to turn in a paper that was due and make up for some classes I missed. I can't believe it's been almost a week since I last spoke to Mina. I wish I could say it was just studies that kept me from calling her, but truth was I was buying time. Now I feel like I don't have enough time to explain things. I don't know why...but I just do. So I'm driving back with an unexplainable sense of urgency, hoping that after we talk everything will be okay.

I reflected on the events of the past few days as I drove. Was I really too wound up in Crenshaw industries? That was what Elijah said when I told him my predicament, right after he joked that he'd take both girls and the company.

I only want one girl and the company. Problem is the company was tied to the other girl. Only a man like Jonathan Crenshaw will tie his son's inheritance to a loveless marriage.

I got to Twinhills late that night, so I decided to see Mina the next day. I sent her a message and as usual, no response. I lay on the bed hoping that whatever she felt for me was strong enough to make her stay.


Next morning.

As I walked down the caravans, I rehearsed what I was going to say in my head. I bought some peace offerings - chocolates and roses. If only I could soften her up to get her to even listen to me. From then on, it will only get worse but I was hopeful for a happy ending after the storm blew over.

I arrived at her caravan and raised my hand to knock, but paused mid-air when I heard shrieks coming from towards the kitchen. I figured her friend Violet came by.

I knocked twice and waited. The shrieking continued. I was about to knock again when the door swung open.

"Oh my God Mina, how did you survive here if you can't even kill a cockroach?" said a black girl in braids and pajamas which barely hid the bump in her belly. She turned to me and raised her brow questioningly.

"Hi.. Is Mina here" I asked her. Who was she and what was she doing in our caravan?

"And you are?" She asked.

"Luke. Tell her Luke" I said.

Her eyes grew hard. She put a hand on her hip and took that pose that girls take when they're about to give you a mouth off. What did I do now?

"Who are you?" I asked, before she could start mouthing off. Did Mina make a new friend? She didn't seem like she was from this town though.

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