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Eve's corner

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Eve's corner

Most corporate workers in Twinhills eat their breakfast in Eve's corner in Mondays. On every other day, they will mostly order takeouts. But today being Monday, they are seated on the coffee stools by the corners or at the tables in the center, eating their breakfast and chatting away. Some have their noses buried in newspapers, some are typing on their phones, but a whole lot of them are chatting. It's majorly about the new restaurant in town. There isn't much to talk about here. It annoyed me to hear how excited they are. Where is the loyalty?

We open a little bit earlier on Mondays, 8am precisely. Breakfast hour usually runs through till 10 a.m. Right now there about 10 customers in here and it's just 8:30 am. I was beginning to get overwhelmed a bit. With Eve back in the kitchen baking, I had to do all the serving. It's in times like this I begin to think we need another staff. But then I new the situation of things. I was lucky to get this job. I can't complain.

After serving the last customer inside with coffee and pancakes, I walked back to the counter. I began to arrange to notes in the cash register according to their denominations properly. I had previously thrown them all in the drawer because I was in such a haste to attend to the customers. A chiming noise at the door announced the arrival of another customer. I didn't look up immediately they could wait a second or two. I arrange the last hundred dollar notes in the cash register and then looked up with the my trademark cheery smile on my face.

''Good morning and welcome to Eve's corner..." If that sentence was longer the words would have died on my lips because I was definitely looking at the most handsome boy I have ever seen. He looks like he was thrown out from a magazine. His eyes are like grey but have with golden specks in them. They are mesmerizing. His hair was dark and ruffled at the top. I wonder what it would feel like to run my hands through it.

"Good morning" he replied with a smile that dazzled his features en more. His voice was strong and smooth and deep at the same time. It should be illegal for one person to be this handsome. He looked quite young, I'm guessing not more than twenty. Still there was this maturity and confidence about him that was very attractive.

I must have been staring at him because he cleared his throat and waved his hand in front of my face. I shook my head snapping out of it. "Ughm...I'm sorry" I said. "What did you say please?"

He nodded, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "I said I would like a carrot cake and an espresso. Take out."

I set about preparing his order, stealing glances at him now and then. He stood by the counter with that small smirk still tugging the corner of his lips. I'm sure he gets to see this a lot, girls drooling over him, losing their ability to speak in his presence. Arrogant pretty much. Well he is an arrogant beauty.

"That will be $7 and 89 cents" I said ringing it up.

He took it and gave me a twenty. "Thanks beautiful. Keep the change." He winked at me with a dazzling smile.

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