Chapter 49

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(Leons pov)


I looked at Luke suddenly. "What?"

"I asked if you ready?"

"So to say. I got one or two things I still need to grab and then we out." I say taking my bag to the next room.

"Where is your phone?" asked Luke following me like a tail.

"Here" I say, uneasily handing my phone over.

"Mom will have it. It will be off so no one can track you. Your new phone is in my room I'll get it quick." Luke ran out as he ended his sentence.

I zipped my bag closed and waited for him to come back.

"Here.. Now it might look old-"

"Look?!" I say cutting him off. I took the phone from him and examined it closely. "Luke this thing was used in the Stone ages... As a stone to throw at someone for defense or something."

"Leon it isn't that bad. It's a little harder to track but with a little work it can be hacked and so on. We can't make it to easy for Jason otherwise he wont take the bait. Besides Nattlie will try looking for you and she will draw attention. When Jason realizes you are really gone he will start looking for clues that you have left so I threw the phones box in a back bag and left it behind the house. Mom said she will slowly start adding trash to the bag so that it looks as if its meant to be thrown away. It's too dangerous for us to talk so there are codes on the phone."

"Codes?" I ask, a little worried that Luke might be taking it a bit too far.

"Yeah. You can use the codes to send mom messages. Nattlie will come looking for answers and we can't take the chance of her seeing a message sent to moms phone. Also... due to it being code Jason will be curious and will think we trying to hide the conversations. When he hacks your phone he will also have access to the code."

"You really have thought of everything haven't you?" I say a little impressed.

He looked proud of himself like he was giving himself a mental pat on the back.

"Ready?" he finally says.

I gave a nod and went down stairs. I said bye to my parents with a few tears from my mom and then we were off. The car ride went by pretty quick as Luke drove and I fell asleep. While I was sleeping I had a dream. A dream of Nattlie and myself in a little beach house. Waking up late one morning with no one in sight. Half way through the dream Nattlie started saying "Bro... bro get up" while shacking me. Its funny as she sounds a lot like Luke but it wasn't funny when I woke up to Luke shaking me.

"We here" said Luke. I rubbed my eyes and looked around.

"Where are we?" I asked half asleep.

"No where"

I sat up looking around when I finally see a motel with the name NO WHERE written above it. He laughed at me when I faced him with a 'seriously?!'  face.

"Home for the next few months looks great huh?"

"Definitely" I answer sarcastically while getting out the car.

Luke and I walked in to the front desk.

"Room for two?" Asked a lady who sounded unsatisfied with the world. "No a room with one bed for now please" I answer.

"One night?"

"For a month please?" I reply.

She looks up at me from behind her square glasses. I gave a smile. Her eyes then moved to Luke who didn't move a muscle. Her eyes moved down to the keyboard ones again and started typing.

"Here is your key and your in room 5K," said the lady with her monotone voice.

I took the keys from her, said thank you and went on a hunt for room 5K. When we finally found it we went in and found out that it looks much bigger outside than what it looks inside. There was a single bed with a chair as a side table, a bathroom with a toilet, small sink and shower, for the kitchen... well there was a microwave on top of a cupboard which contained one plate, one bowl, one cup and a spoon.

"Wow 5K really is worth 5K hey?" says Luke with the sarcasm oozing from his mouth. "Sorry bro but if you didn't need to stay so long we could have gotten you a nicer place. Its the cheapest place for a month... then I join you and we will need to get a bigger place which costs more."

I gave a slow nod and placed my bag on the bed. Home sweet home. "Thanks Luke" I say giving my brother a manly hug before he left.

The rest of the night dragged on. I only had my mom as a contact on the phone and there was no other entertainment in the room. So I took out my phone and started learning the code Luke made up. A good book would be amazing now like the bible or a well written piece from Shakespeare. In fact one of Nattlies fashion magazines would also do now. Learning the code will have to do so I started reading it out loud.

"D=A G=D J=G M=J P=M S=P V=S Y=V B=Y next column, E=B H=E K=H N=K Q=N T=Q W=T Z=W C=Z and last column, F=C I=F L=I O=L R=O U=R X=U A=X"

I looked at the three columns. So he put A, B and C at the bottom starting with C then B then A. Then he started at the top going left to right. Then after... I sat and it took me about two minutes to figure it out. Then he replaced them with letters starting on the top but doing the normal alphabet. Nice. Great now I'm talking to myself now. I put my phone down on the chair and went to bed.

The next day went by slowly. I know the code by heart now and I studied the rules of the motel which was printed on paper then stuck to the back of the door. All ninety three rules. Can you believe... if you have a single bedded room you can't have people come over. If there are two beds in the room you can have as many people as you want, stay for a night. No parties which I understand and agree with and the rest was the normal stuff no running in the corridors and no jumping on the beds... so on.

Tomorrow I get to go out a bit. I need to show my face around. There is a gang here called the Jokers so I need to "bump" into one of their members. I might be mistaken but Ace is in that gang who also happens to be friends with Jason.

I haven't heard a word from mom yet and I wonder how Nattlie's doing. She must be so worried or think I'm ignoring her. At that thought I picked up my phone and sent mom a text. Luke made a code name for Nattlie so when Jason hacks the phone he will see me asking about my cousin Tayla (which I don't have) and her baby she just gave birth to. Luke was pretty smart about this all. If only he put this much effort into his school work.

At first it was weird writing with the code but I got the hang of it.

"ELT FP ZLRPFK QXVIX?" (How is cousin Tayla?)

Five minutes later later she replied.

"PEB EXP YBBK RMPBQ. PEB TXP ELMFKD QL PBB QEB YXYV YRQ QEBV HBBMFKD EBO RKABO LYBOSXQFLK. PEBS OBXOOV TLOOFBA XKA QOFBA QL PBB IFQQIB OLAV" (She has been upset. She was hoping to see the baby but they keeping her under observation. She's worried and tried to see little Roxy)

Alright so out of that I got that Nattlie came over to the house to see me but when she couldn't see me and wasn't told why she started worrying. I hate what this is doing to her and of all names... why did Luke tell mom my code name is Roxy.

I didn't reply after that. I wanted to go back and see her. Tell her I love her but I cant. I need to find a way to give her a message. But how...

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