Chapter 7

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(Nattlie's pov)

Once we were out of there and had quite a distance between us and Luke, Leon looked over at me.

I was still trying to process what just happened and was breathing heavily trying to catch my breath.

"Are you alright?" asked Leon with a soft gentle voice.

I took notice of my breathing and slowed it down trying to breath like a normal person.

I kept looking ahead of me and gave a little nod. Who knew the loser would save the day is all I think of. I wasn't really in the mood to talk and just wanted to go home but on the other hand not because knowing my parents they would want to know why I'm back so early.

"Listen if it's alright with you I wanna show you something but if not I will take you home" he spoke again.

We looked at each other and I gave him a smile followed with a nod.

After that he didn't speak again and I didn't either which was fine. It suited me and I think he felt the same. I looked over at him and I would see him focusing on the road but I knew his mind was at work.

(Leon's pov)

I can not believe that just happened. I hope she's alright. Maybe I should ask? Maybe she just wants to be left alone? Should I ask her just to make sure she's ok? No! Just leave her.

I hope she's not hurt if she is I will kill him. Well not really but that's how I'm feeling at this point.

He makes me so mad when he does stupid stuff like this.

While I was debating, on if I should go back and kick his ass one last time or just stay out the drama, I could feel my skin heating up and if it was physically possible for steam to come out a person's ears I would be a steam train.

I take a deep breath in but don't stop driving. We almost there.

I can't wait to see her face when she sees it. She's gonna love it. I know I do and I'm sure anyone else who sees it would too. But it is my heaven. I'm just taking her to get her mind off things. That's it, nothing more.

We are almost out of town and I turn to Nattlie and see her sleeping. I didn't want to wake her because she looked so peaceful.

When I got to our destination I parked the car about two meters away from the edge and as I turned off the engine, she woke up.

She yawned, rubbed her eyes and started taking in her surroundings.

"Where are we?" she asked still half asleep.

I gave a huge smile, "Just outside town...what you think? Do you like it?" I asked all excited pointing at the view.

She followed my arm and looked into the distance. Her eyes grew and her mouth slowly turned into a smile matching mine.

"Its beautiful" is all she could say. She then slowly opened the car door and got out.

I did the same looking at her from across the car. She started walking towards it and I followed.

She was a few steps away from the edge and I hooked my arm around her waist stopping her from going any further.

"Careful, we on the edge." I said.

She came out of her state taking note of the edge. She took a few steps back and looked out at the lights again.

I left her and walked back to the car. I sat on the hood of the car and also looked out in the distance.

She soon after turned round, looked where I was, smiled then walked over to join me on the hood of the car.

"I'm guessing they the lights from town but I've never seen them like this. I've always seen them up close but never thought of taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture" she said not taking her eyes off the city lights.

"Ummm" I said, not knowing what to say really.

She laughed and covered her face with her hands.

"I'm sorry" she began looking all shocked, "I'm popular that means I should say something more like... Oh my gosh that view be bae. Its so nice and I'm a dumb blonde hash tag lol." then laughed again.

I laughed at her accent she used to say the last part. She then looked at me then laughed giving me a push.

She wasn't that bad of a person. She's just one of those people that are a nice person but only when they not around their friends or any other people who she is trying to impress.

After that I could see she was getting cold.

I jumped off the hood and went to the boot to fetch a blanket. I then returned and handed it to her. She took it and wrapped herself in it.

I got back on top of the hood and leaned back resting my back on the window screen. After a while she did the same.

We laid there for a while before she started making conversation.

I didn't mind at all. I haven't spoken to a girl like her in a while. Lately I've been talking a lot to nerdy girls like me and just know there are only a hand full.

We spoke about my family and her family, her friends, what she liked to do, hobbies and her past. Yes we did mainly talk about her but I really didn't mind.

Usually I get annoyed when people are all about me myself and I but with Nattlie she was interesting.

She told me about her family trips to Paris, Australia and Rio. Her trips with her friend Anna-beth to Italy, Scotland, Paris again and different islands like Hawaii.

All I could talk about is that one camping trip my dad took Luke and I on when we were eight.

We sat there and the 9pm when we arrived there, turned to 1am and we were still talk. I finally warmed up and made a few jokes that she surprisingly got.

At about 3 am she became quiet and fell asleep. I left her and decided I would wait and watch the sun come up.

That didn't happen though soon after I too joined her and we both laid there, asleep, in the middle of nowhere.

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