Chapter 5

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(Leon's pov)

I really wasn't in the mood to go to the party tonight. I had to study for a maths test next week Wednesday but she did ask nicely.

I was standing in front of my cupboard and replaying the whole "wear something nice" part Nattlie said.

My opinions are an old short sleeve checked shirt I wore ones to my aunts wedding or a long sleeve button up shirt with my green-brown pull over.

I decided to ask Luke for advice. He's usually good with the 'something nice' stuff now. "Luke! Please come here I need your help real quick!" I screamed from my room. Not long after and Luke was leaning in my door way.

"What is it?" he asked, clearly not interested.

"Yellow checked or long sleeve with my green-brown pull over?" I asked.

"Ummm if you gonna burn them I say be daring for a change and burn both but if it's for tonight's party... not one. Dude if you wanna go to a party with hot chicks you have to fit in or you won't last through the front door, never mind getting some action."

I looked at him unamused and all I could say was, "I'm not going to get any action just by the way. I asked you between the two that's all, so you gonna help or not?"

"Fine I'll help you but I was serious about not one of them. You can come to my room and take a look. I'm sure I can find you something in my cupboard to wear." he said while walking to his room expecting me to follow.

And I did like everything else in life. He always expected me to do stuff he wanted and I did. I don't know why, there was just this type of dominance about Luke that I lacked but wished to have one day.

"Nope...not quite...too cool for you haha sorry bro...Ummm here try this" said Luke while taking a jersey out from his cupboard and throwing it towards me.

I lift it up in the air to get a better look. It wasn't that bad but it wasn't exactly me. I look at him with a unsure face.

"Just try it on. It won't bite. The worst that can happen is you go in that yellow check" he said laughing.

I give in and take my shirt off, giving a sigh. I put the greys jersey on and took a look in the mirror.

"Ay bro just like old times! Looks good on you though. It does look a little tight around the arms and chest but nothing too hectic. Have you picked up weight or weights lately. You bigger than me now." he said impressed.

"Ye when you out taking out a new chick every night I'm here studying or gyming. Jus coz I'm not like the 'good old times' anymore doesn't mean I can't stay in shape" I say laughing, giving him a little push then walking to my room.

I should play it safe. Yellow check will be just fine. It's not as if I want to impress anyone. I'm doing Nattlie the favour so she would be happy I'm at least going.

My brother walked back into my room. "You know can keep the shirt you never know when you might need it again" said Luke giving me a brotherly smile before walking out.

I gave him a smile back but as he left I picked up the jersey, put it on a hander and hanged it up at the back of my cupboard.

On our way to Nattlie's house Luke started talking about Nattlie. He wanted me to back off a bit and maybe leave half way through the party so he can make a move. Being the good brother I am, I agreed.

"Cool but bro are you chilled with it coz if not I still ain't backing down. Hahaha"

"Ye it's fine," I said "I don't like her in that way anyway."

When we arrived at Nattlie's house I got out the car to greet her.

"Hey. I'm sorry happy you could make out what I was saying in my directions to my house" she said walking down the pathway towards the car.

"Oh ye it took a while but I got it. Ummm I hope you don't mind but we catching a lift with my bro. You can sit in the front..." I said before she interrupted me.

"No! Ummm it's fine I'll rather sit in the back."

I opened her the back door for her and closed it once she was in.

The car ride to party felt longer than it actually was. I just sat there, Luke trying to make conversation with Nattlie and even trying to impress her. Nattlie just sat their and after a while took her phone out and started texting rapidly.

When we got to Lusy's house I opened the car door for Nattlie and we walked to the front door.

Just before we got to the door Luke pulled me aside and asked if I could keep the keys. He says usually he gets drunk that he miss places them and so on.

So I agreed and he ran off to walk with Nattlie. He put his arm around her neck pulling her closer and she pushed him off her.

I couldn't help but laugh. Luke not getting his way with girls is priceless.

She quickly made her way to me and walked beside me.

She looked up at me, gave me a smile and we walked in together.

Luke turned round to look at us walking through the door and she noticed this and grabbed my wrist and put my hand around her waist.

I tensed up not knowing what to do or where to look.

As soon as he looked away and walked off I pulled my hand back.

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