Chapter 57

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(Nattlie's pov)

My parents got home three days late from their trip. They called to apologize and promised that we would do a dinner the night they get home. Which is tonight. I'm pretty excited and asked if Leon could come over for dinner as well. They agreed and Leon sounded really excited over the phone. More enthusiastic than usual. I asked him what was up but he just said he is really excited to see me.

I started setting the table while waiting for my parents to get home. When they did it was all hugs and kisses from them. Stories from the trip filled the whole house until Leon knocked on the door.

"Evening sir" greeted Leon as my dad answered the door. Dad then walked into the dinning room with his hand on Leon's shoulder. "Ah! Leon just in time. Take a seat" said my mother gesturing to the seat next to me. He smiled at her and took a seat next to me.

"Hi" I say leaning towards him. He gives me a kiss before answering with a: "Hello beautiful"

"So Leon I hear from your parents that Cape Town is as breath taking as ever." says mom dishing the first meal. "Yes they say if we didn't live here Cape Town would be their second choice."

My mom smiled as Leon spoke. The rest of the dinner went well. Lots of catching up, laughter and smiles. Mom got up to go inform the chef that we ready for dessert. Soon after I heard glasses fall and I got up to see if I could help.

(Leon's pov)

Nattlie got up to assist her mother in the kitchen. When I couldn't hear her steps anymore I took my chance. "Mr. Miller do you mind if you and I talk a bit later... alone." I say nervously. Mr. Miller whipped his mouth and nodded not giving me much attention.

At that thought I started hearing steps and chatter in the hallway. "Leon you eat cherries right?" asked Mrs. Miller as she took her seat. "Yes I do" I reply.

"Great because we having Sour Cherry Strawberry Meringue Galette"

I didn't say a word. I haven't heard of it before but as the chef brought the cart out and placed the desserts in front of us, I instantly knew I was going to love it.

It happened sooner than I thought it would. As I took my last bite then Mr. Miller spoke. "If you will excuse me I have a few matters of business to attend to but I have to ask Leon to accompany me. Hope you ladies can keep yourselves busy for the time being... I will call Sarah and Mandy to come over and maybe treat my girls to a full body massage while we busy."

I followed Mr. Miller into his office and waited as he made his call. "Yes they will be waiting in the massage room for you two... yes full body... maybe contact someone to do their nails as well. They haven't had a good pamper in a while... Yes... Thank you... I will... Thanks Mandy."

Mr. Miller put his phone down and gestured for me to take a seat on the couch. As soon as I took a seat my heart rate doubled. "What's on your mind Leon" asked Mr. Miller patiently.

"I know what I want to say but as I sat down I lost my words" I say. Mr. Miller nodded to indicate I should take my time.

Just that thought made me mad. I know exactly what I want. I am not doubting my feelings or anything its just... How?

How do I ask and talk to him about this? I've never done this before. Never got close to doing this so early but the thought of it feels right. I know it has to be done tonight... today... no procrastinating... right now. I fear his reply but it is the right thing to do. What if he thinks its a stupid idea? What if he he says no?! Okay... Don't be stupid Leon. Mr. Miller trusts you and he knows the type of person you are now. Just get it together and speak. Words! Real words!

"I want to marry Nattlie!" I blurt out.

Mr. Miller sat up. "Ummm Leon-" he starts before I cut him off.

"Let me explain."

Mr. Miller sighed and leaned back into his seat.

"I love Nattlie and I would like your permission to take her hand... in marriage"

We both kept quiet for a while.

"Mr. Miller I understand we still young I do get that but what Nattlie and I have is real. I don't want to miss another second without being with her." I continued.

"Leon... is she pregnant?" asked Mr. Miller in a serious tone.

"No! No! No! Mr. Miller, Nattlie is still a virgin and so am I" I say trying to make it very clear to him.

Mr. Miller let out a big breath.

"We have spoken about it ones... but it was to make sure that we both on the same terms and we are. We both wanted to wait for marriage. At the time we were just talk... saying it is our general wishes. We weren't talking about marrying each other. I guess I did though. "I say looking down at my hands as I say the last sentence.

"What do you mean you did?" asked Mr. Miller. I could feel him looking at me.

"Sir, I always knew I wanted to find love but never thought I would. But then Nattlie came into my life and my life got turned upside down. When we just started dating I thought it was just jitters and the whole dating idea again. But the more and more I got to know her I started to feel something else. It was more than love. Every time I looked at her I saw a future. I struggle to picture my life without her now and I'm not some teenage boy who is just saying this. She really is different!" I babble on. I need him to understand that this isn't just temporary feelings making a permanent decision. This is a big choice. A choice that is for the rest of our lives.

"Mr. Miller I promise to love her for the rest of my life... for the rest of her life. I want to make her happy. I want to have a family with her. Not now but sometime in the future maybe. That's if she wants kids. We can have a dog maybe, or a cat, whatever she wants. I want to give her everything. I just want to... call her my wife!" I say getting excited.

"I'm happy she's not pregnant for one. I'm happy for you and the way you feel about my daughter but I am worried about something though."

"About what sir?" I ask curiously.

"Your past" he says seriously.

"Honestly I have given that much thought and I will not let my past interfere. I promise to protect her till my last breath. I never want her to get hurt. I get that my past brings trouble but I want nothing to do with it. Nattlie is my future and I cant let something get in between us and our future together."

"Look Leon there is something you have to tell Nattlie if I do agree and it was between her and I" started Mr. Miller.

"I'm not following," I state.

"When Nattlie was a little girl she feared marrying someone like... her real father. So I promised her that when the time comes and someone does ask, they have to use the special words so that she knows"

"Knows what?" I ask.

"The special words was a sigh to her so that she knows I approve. My job was to do background checks and so on. I told her that I have friends who can find out anything... mean while I was the friend who can find out anything. Since that promise I have done background checks on every guy."

I sat quite. My heart racing fasted than before. "Are you telling me this because you want to tell me the special words?"

"Leon look son your a really nice guy but without those words Nattlie will know I dont approve... So understand me when I say- " said Mr. Miller with a change in tone.

"But you not gonna give it to me are you?" I cut him off, barely having strength in my voice.

He looked up at me and I couldn't read him.

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