The First Kill

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I lied in bed, thinking about everyone in our group. I doubt it's Gonta, especially since he's always super serious about being a gentleman. K1-B0 is a robot, and I don't think robots can lie. Tenko... She's a bit violent. Kiyo is a bit strange... Angie has an obsession with this "Atua".... "Ugh!" I press my pillow on my face. "I can't suspect anyone without proof." I say to myself.

Besides, is hiding out in the library even a good idea?

I hear a knock at the door, and I think it's Shuichi or Kaede, so I walk over to the door. "Hello th- whoa!" Monokuma almost knocks me over as he walks into my dorm and bumps into my shins. "Oh, there you are! I have some news for you." I tilt my head, as if to tell him to go on. "We've finished making the research rooms, and yours is one of them! You should go check it out." And with that, he left. What exactly is going to be in a psychologist's research room?

Right as I sat at my bed, I heard the door knock. I walk over and press my ear to the door. Silence. It's not Monokuma. "Hey!" I exclaimed when I opened the door. It was Shuichi and Kaede. "What's up?" I invited them inside and we sat down on the couch.

"I think hiding out in the library isn't a good idea." Shuichi told me.

"I wanted to tell you the same thing. It risks us being found out and the mastermind might turn things on us." Kaede sighed. "I feel like I'm the dumbest in the room sometimes." I chuckled and patted her back. "Don't say that. You're equal."

"So what do you think we should do?" I asked Shuichi. He smiled and faced me. "Cameras." I thought for a moment. Where could we find... "Oh! The warehouse!" I thought back on the day we met Miu. There were things all around that warehouse, and there no doubt has to be at least one camera. Shuichi nodded as Kaede hummed in affirmation. "With some modifications, we can combine the sensors and cameras I found there."

I thought for a moment. "I don't think the Ultimate Detective, Psychologist, and Pianist can modify a camera... but I think I know who can."

"However, she may be... it so we'll need to be careful." I smiled. "I know how to mess with the smartest minds. I know what to ask without it being suspicious." Kaede grinned while putting her arm around me. "Perks of having the Ultimate Psychologist on our side!"

We went to the dining hall and found Miu sitting at the table. I walked towards Miu while Shuichi and Kaede stayed in the hall. "Good morning, Miu!" I greeted them cheerfully. "How was your sleep?" Miu looked at me. "It was fine, but I would really rather do something other than sleep. It's a waste of time."

"So what would you rather do at night?" Miu looked at me as if it were an obvious answer. "Literally anything! I was trying to reinvent my 'type while you sleep' until I remembered there's nothing to type on."

I rested my head on my hand. "So... if you were to make changes to the group, what would it be?" Miu eyed me, slightly suspiciously, but answered my question anyway. "Well, for one, I wish they were more appreciative of my genius. Another thing, I wish the girls weren't so flat-chested."

I smiled. "Yeah, your genius needs to be recognized! You could probably make a device to help us find who's controlling Monokuma or something." Miu looked at me with a rather cocky expression on her face. "I could, couldn't I? But what kind of invention would it be?" She placed her hand on her chin.

"Maybe a camera?" I suggested. Her eyes lit up. "You're right! But it can't be any normal one." I put a thumbs up behind my back, signifying that Miu would do it. "Maybe one with sensors?" I suggested once more.

She placed her fist in her hand, as if she had an "aha" moment. "You're right! I'm a genius. But where would we get cameras and sensors?" I called out to Shuichi and Kaede, who brought in sensors and cameras from the warehouse. "Perfect! I'll get it done by tonight!" Miu took the sensors and skipped to her room. "Be sure to show it to me, too!" I yelled.

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