Sometimes Betrayal is Unexpected from Both Sides

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The Rest of this Story is in Second Person POV

"Hey! What did you give to Y/N?!" Himiko yelled. "Calm down, lady. They're just blocking out your nonsense." Monokuma assured. "They know a little more than you dimwits, but they're unsure if it's the truth. You have the Ultimate Detective anyways. You should be fine without them."

Himiko scrunched up her face as she looked at you. Your face was still stained with tears and you didn't seem as enthusiastic as other trials. "Fine, but you better not be mind-controlling them or anything!"

Shuichi looked at you, but didn't bother you. He saw how devastated you were throughout this whole thing.

You cared for everyone, even the ones that were a bit strange, and you had shed tears almost everyday in here. He wanted to give you a break. He noticed you fidgeting with Rantaro's necklace, something you do when you're nervous or uncomfortable.

"We'll leave Y/N out of this until we think they have any information that they're sure of, and may be of use to us." Shuichi announced.

"There is evidence pointing to Kokichi being the victim. The clothes in the washroom had signs of Kokichi being wounded."

"So? Why would Kaito kill Kokichi?" Maki argued. "Kaito's clothes were in the hydraulic press. Why would they be in there if he wasn't the one killed?"

"Well, we only saw Kaito's sleeve sticking out." Shuichi recalled. "If it were him, his hand would be included, wouldn't it?" Maki scoffed. "If that's the evidence you're going off of, then you're even dumber than I thought. Kaito doesn't put his arms in his sleeves."

You took out your right earbud. "You're both wrong, actually. Kaito puts his arm in his left sleeve, but not his right."

"I thought you were blocking us out?" Himiko asked. You shook your head. "Just because I'm listening to something, doesn't mean I can't hear you." You looked at Shuichi, then Maki. You put the earbud back in your ear, but only a little so you could still hear the trial.

Maki seems so determined to say Kaito is dead. It could be grief... or something else.

You tried looking at Maki's body language, but she was still as a boulder. Her facial expression was stoic but at the same time, it was rather angry.

"Bring Kokichi out now. We already know who the culprit is." Maki ordered. "Alright, fine. Suspect! That's your cue!" On Monokuma's word, an exisal came out of a room, but it was a bit bigger than the others.

Everyone looked surprised, but then they heard a familiar voice. "Sorry, I probably scared you guys." It was Kaito's voice. "K-Kaito...?" You looked at Maki and back at the exisal.

"Nope! That was a lie!" Kokichi's voice rang through your ears. Thinking they were fooled by Kokichi, everyone's faces dropped.

"I have something for you!" Kokichi sang. He held up a camera as Monokuma grabbed it and connected it to the monitor. You put in the headphones that were given to you and looked at the screen. Everyone watched a video... of Kaito being crushed by the hydraulic press.

The moment you heard the bang of the hydraulic press, you saw Himiko raise her hands to her mouth. You rubbed her back and looked up at the now blank monitor.

You tilted your head as you thought back to the video of Kaito. "If you don't mind, can you please play it again?" The monitor turned on again and the video played once more. Himiko looked away as you watched the video carefully. The cord is uncut, the blood on his arm doesn't line up with the blood on his sleeve, the hydraulic press has a safety function, his hand was balled into a fist so he couldn't have been dead, but if he weren't already dead then why didn't he move out of the way?

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