An Unexpected Turn

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We went down the elevator like we always do, but... I honestly had no idea who killed Miu. None of the clues link together.

My trembling hands were suddenly wrapped with someone's small ones. I looked and saw Kokichi smiling at me. "You're smart! You'll figure it out!" I smiled and held his hand. He's right, I can't falter.

We went to our podiums. I looked at all the crossed out pictures around the trial room. It was... something that I never want to see again. I stood at my trial stand next to Himiko and Kokichi as I faced everyone. "This will be the last trial I have to participate in." I muttered. But before the trial started, Kokichi wanted to ask a question. "What happens when people have the same amount of votes?"

"Well, as long as one of them is correct, you're fine." Monokuma said. "Thanks! Now I can enjoy this life-or-death situation!" I already knew that was a lie, but I looked at Kokichi anyway.

He wasn't doing the side glance, but he definitely had a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. I put my hand on Kokichi's shoulder and looked at everyone. "This should be the last trial we participate in, so let's make it count."

Himiko nodded. "That's right! We can't die here!" I let my hand fall from Kokichi's shoulder. "Alright, first we need to-" "Kaito's the culprit!" Kaito looked at Kokichi with wide eyes. "What?! Say that to my face!"

"While we were all logged in, Kaito was logged out alone, right? If you were able to move freely, doesn't that mean that you would be able to commit the murder?" I sighed and put my hand back on Kokichi's shoulder.

"As much as I love it when you actually think rationally, I think it's too early to say Kaito is the culprit." Kokichi pouted. "But Kaito was one of the people who knew about the poison! Wouldn't he be the only one who could've done it? None of us knew because we were in the virtual world."

I thought back to the investigation. "Kokichi, you said that one of the effects of the poison was a burst in one of the veins near the conjunctiva, right?"


"Well, when I checked Miu's body, it showed no signs of her vein bursting, at least none in her eye. Her eyes weren't bloodshot, remember?"

Tsumugi nodded. "Right! Her eyes weren't bloodshot."

"Then what was that poison for?" Kokichi asked. "Probably a diversion so the culprit would think she was killed by the poison." I agreed with Maki. "But, they forgot to read the label."

Himiko put her finger on her cheek. "Then how did she die?" Shuichi and I looked at each other and both of our eyes widened. "The chapel!"

"The killing game simulator was the cause of death." Shuichi explained. "In the virtual world, if your avatar takes any fatal damage, you die from shock."

Gonta looked confused. "Uh... Gonta has question. What is this ver-choo-al world place? What floor is it on?" I tilted my head. "We were there a few hours ago." Kiibo decided to ignore this question. "Well, if she was killed in the virtual world, then we need to figure out what killed her."

Gonta still looked confused, so we all went over what happened. "Alright, now that we've got that settled, let's figure out what exactly killed Miu." Kiibo said. "Alright, so Miu was killed in the virtual world. Let's focus on that first." Kaito said.

"Whatever did that to Miu was dropped right next to her avatar." Himiko continued. "I doubt that. The culprit would've made an effort to hide it." I said. "Maybe she was strangled." Maki suggested.

"Yes, Miu showed signs of suffocation and struggle." Shuichi said. "And the virtual world is connected to our five senses. If her body experienced pain, then she would've experienced it in the virtual world as well."

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