This World is Mine

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I woke up the next morning in my room. "What..? How did I get here?" I looked around and saw the attempt of putting a blanket over me. "I guess it was Kokichi." I muttered. I blinked and the events of yesterday flashed before my eyes. Miu... Kaito... and Gonta... I pressed my pillow against my face and had a good, long scream.

Once I let the pillow drop back to my bed, I decided to go to the dining hall.

I reached out for Rantaro's necklace and accidentally knocked something over. A piece of paper. I reached down onto the floor and read,

Saw you weren't feeling too good yesterday so I found these!
-The Great Kokichi Ouma

They were painkillers, a glass of water, and a book. I smiled softly and took the painkillers, hopping out of bed and heading to the dining hall.

Once I went, I saw that Kaito was trying to liven up the mood. "Feeling better?"

He nodded. "I'm not gonna die, don't worry. I just... cut my throat from coughing too hard." I sighed and sat down. We need to escape, and fast. There are no medications or any way to give proper medical attention in here.

I noticed that Kaito wouldn't look Shuichi in the eye. I looked around the room. "W-Where's Kokichi?" Everyone else looked around.

"We're not sure. I think you were the last one that saw him." Maki said. I sighed and looked at the food in front of me. "I-I'm going to go look for him." As I stood up, Kaito did as well. "I'll go, too. I don't want you alone with that guy." I nodded and we left the dining hall.

I heard Tsumugi's voice from the dining hall. "If we don't act fast, Kokichi's gonna kill us all!" I looked down as Kaito and I walked towards the dormitories.

"Hey, Y/N." I looked up at Kaito. "How can you tell... Kokichi's lying? You seem to be right all the time, so I don't think it's intuition." I made a breathy chuckle. "Well, when someone lies, they have a certain habit that they do everytime they do so. Like you, your pinky twitches." He looked at his hand. "It does not!" And his pinky twitched.

"Damn, Y/N. How do you notice this stuff?" I smiled as we entered the dormitories. I knocked on Kokichi's door. "Are you in there?" I pressed my ear against the door and heard nothing. I twisted the knob and noticed that it was unlocked.

I checked inside, and it seemed like he hadn't stepped foot in this place since I last visited. I shut the door and looked at Kaito. "We should check if he stopped by the dining hall."

Once we arrived, we saw Monokuma holding up two keys. "Oh, are those our prizes?" I asked.

"That's right! This ones the last real key, and this one's the real last key."


He put the keys in the palm of my hand and disappeared. "I guess we need to find where these go." I put the keys in my pocket and Shuichi and I went to find where they were going. "Kaito, Maki, wanna come?" They both shook their heads. What's their deal?

Shuichi and I looked around outside. "Do you remember any doors that couldn't be opened?" He asked me. I was about to mention the love hotel when I saw Kiibo near a large, futuristic door. "Oh! That looks like one of the keys!" I walked over and saw a stand with a keyhole. I pulled out one of the keys and put it in, opening the door.

"It looks a bit like a sci-fi lab." I said once we went inside. Kiibo looked... concerned. "I feel like a mecha's about to jump out at me." Shuichi and I looked at each other, and we were probably thinking the same thing.

I walked around and found an opening to some maze-like hallways. "Shuichi, Kiibo, look at this!" They came over and saw the different twists and turns of the hallway.

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