Chapter: 52

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Unaware of the heroine's blessing, Rex smiled looking at the coral-haired girl in front of him, she is wearing a pretty light pink dress that looks sweet in her.




The chaotic heartbeats started again, Rex chuckled, this unfamiliar feeling always appears whenever he is around her.

He flinched.


Rex widened his eyes as if comes to his senses, he abruptly stopped his dance with Lily and stood like a statue with a pale face, uneasiness along with torturous pain immersed into his heart, it's neither physical injury nor wound, yet this feeling is ripping his heart apart.

It hurts.

This feeling, it's like he's about to lose something so precious and will regret it for his entire life, an unknown thing that could make him this bitter, his chest stings.

"Your Highness, are you alright?"

Lily leans closer to his ear and whispered with a worried voice, but Rex didn't budge, he is struggling to realize what is this painful feeling.

'It's love, Rex!'

'You love her'

Part of him screaming inwardly, trying to resist whatever things that trying to bewitch him away from his loved one.

'Am I...'

'Am I in love?'

Rex never knows what love is, though he likes all those benefits him, this pure emotional thing is absurd for him, yet he couldn't bring himself to contend with it as if deep inside his heart he knows that he is indeed in love.

And he had found whom his heart belongs to.

'But who?'

Sudden memories flashed through his mind, that night when he softly kissed the forehead of a girl amidst the flower garden, when she holds his hand to reassure him that everything is alright, or her annoying smirks whenever she teases him.

The blurred figure of a girl in his mind...

Is his love.




He finally realized it.

The unfamiliar feeling that keeps blooming as the time flies by...

Is love.

His first and only love.

Red finally learned about love the hard way.

With bitter eyes, he lifted his head and look at the girl in front of him.

"Is it you?"

Rex said with a faint voice almost like a whisper that could only be heard by Lily, struggling to maintain his sanity by resisting the overflowed feelings, the confrontation between the fake and true love.

Something is trying to replace his loved one.

Lily holds Rex's right cheek while giving him the sweetest smile to lift his doubt, it's his last resistance before he madly falls for her charms.

"Yes, it's me here"

She said reassuring Rex, giving him the answer he is desperate for, her mission given by her beloved parents is almost complete.

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