Chapter: 24

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"My Lord!"

Levi shouted when a giant black metallic horned-serpent charged towards Grizel who is standing in the deepest part of the Forest of Demise.


The sound of 2 solid things crash into each other, it's one of the 3 strongest monsters in the Forest of Demise called the black metal serpent as it banging onto Levi's sturdy barrier.

"How dare you to charge blindly towards the Lord I served with that filthy body of yours!"

Levi said in anger, a cowering malnourished boy has turned into a splendid teenager in these 2 years of training as a proper Warrior class awakener under Grizel's command, he has grown much taller and has firm shoulders with a straight body posture.

Grizel sighed in silence.

'Just when I thought I finally found a normal companion, it turns out another twisted person. Hhmm... did I raise him wrong?'

After observing Levi in these past 2 years, Grizel concludes that this boy is not normal either, He is a reliable and calm perfect Butler, his quick-witted brain make him a fast learner, his loyalty, and the graceful behavior befitting a high-class servant even praised by sir Roze, the famous strict Head Butler of the Von Belial family who became Levi's role model as an excellent Butler.

Everything was flawless until the day of their first training in the forest of Demise 3 months after he arrived at the mansion, Grizel bought him to train after he gained some weight and a healthy body.

Since that day, even if Levi knew that his lord is strong and far stronger than him, he couldn't help but turn into an aggressive berserk madman when something tried to touch, not to mention harming his precious Lord.

He would destroy everything in his sight insanely if he ever sees even a single drop of Grizel's blood.

"Don't kill it, we couldn't bear the consequences of losing one of the strongest monsters in this forest because it will affect the ecosystem and the food chain"

Grizel warned him as she looked at Levi's barrier turned to shape into a giant sharp sword ready to slash the black metal serpent.


Grizel snapped her fingers and trapped the serpent into her illusion before it slowly gets unconscious.

In the novel, Levi admired his Savior which is the Crown Prince, and the Prince's dashing dual sword combat style, growing as Prince Rex's loyal subordinate while staying next to him all the time, he unconsciously mimicking the prince's combat style like a duckling trying to imitate his mother then decided to wield dual swords.

He couldn't move as fast as the prince, and his agility also much lower than any average Warrior class awakeners, even if lacking in attack but he was a very tough opponent and hard to deal with, different from the Prince who possesses a dual sword ability, Levi's awakened ability was called Fast Recovery, that's why he managed to survive the kidnapping attempt then killed the kidnappers and still breathing after beaten up severely by the people at the slums.

'No matter how you look at it, he is definitely a Tanker warrior'

Grizel sighed inwardly, Levi is the opposite of an attacker like that prince, his potential was buried by his blind admiration, yet still managed to become a general due to his quick-witted brain and hard work, a tanker mimicking an attacker is harder than mastering his own ability.

She recalled her conversation with Levi in their first training, he said he wanted to use dual daggers as his main weapons. Grizel almost dropped her jaw listening to the absurdity, his blind admiration was more serious than she imagined, though his objective is not that prince anymore because of Grizel as his Savior.

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