Chapter: 66

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"Tell me what you really want"

Hearing nothing as an answer, Grizel speaks once again as she is getting up from her seat to get closer to the young man, her tone was as cold as her domineering aura, advising him to confess the true motive behind his greed.

Standing behind the manager who is lowering his head, Grizel touched his shaky shoulder and leans towards him to whisper.

"Say it and I will grant your deepest greed"

The whisper that full of confidence, alluring others to believe in this terrifying little girl as if everything will certainly be granted as long as you give your loyalty to her.


He finally opened his mouth as he lifted his face, strangely enough, his trembling stopped when the Princess touched him as if giving him courage.

"I once naively believe that happiness is not about money..."

"But I lost my only happiness because I don't have it"

For him, money wasn't essential to obtain happiness, his family was enough to fill the void in his poor life, he wishes for nothing but this little peace to remain unchanged.

But his naivety washed away when he learned that the world revolves around money, to stay alive, everyone needs money, including him.

The fact that he is powerless without the thing that had killed his family.

He despised it.


Grizel back to her seat in front of him, now she can clearly see his eyes that reflect the burning desire, her gazes met his as she asked him once again with the same question, he needs to be honest to pursue his real desire.

"Tell me what you want"

"I am sick of being controlled by money..."

He replied bluntly abandoning his polite demeanor earlier as he looks into the Princess's blue eyes, collecting his courage to declare what he really wants.

"I want to have absolute control over that damn thing"

He declared firmly, this young man wishes to reverse the situation, rather than being controlled by money, he wants to control it instead.

He wants to overcome this weakness.

Grizel's nodded as she heard his desire, his trauma of losing his loved ones because of money made him bears this complicated feeling toward it, the hopelessness of watching his family to die one by one and couldn't do anything.

When the little poor boy realized this non-living thing has the power to controls the lives of the livings, money becomes both his biggest enemy and his goal.

Hearing his ridiculous answer, it's not strange for everyone in this world to laugh at his dream, to control money is like to catch the air with bare hands, it's impossible...

But not for Grizel.

If the bare hand isn't enough, she just needs to create another way to make the impossible to be possible.

Even though she couldn't control money, but in her previous life, she discreetly had control over the value of money through some major currencies and trade flows in the world, her every choice of investment affects the chain of economic fluctuations globally.

It's time to pass the knowledge, Grizel thought inwardly as a voice of a young man echoed through the room.

"What a great resolution, as expected of the one chosen by my fiance"

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