Chapter: 11

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"My lord, do you want me to get rid of her?"

Her joyous atmosphere a moment ago vanished and replaced with bloodshot eyes.

"No need, her master is waiting for her report, if anything happens to her, he will be suspicious of us and send another spy"

Grizel was aware of the spies planted in this house, in truth, there are a lot of them sent by several families and noble factions including the Imperial family.

There are 2 types of spy planted in this house, the harmless type who watch over the Archduke movements, and the harmful spy who inflicted several issues within the household.

Most of the spies are harmless, it's because this Archdukedom has limited independence, the Imperial family and several others nobles are just worried about the possibility of rebellion against the empire, while the few others are the spies who searching for a weakness, an opening, stealing the information, etc.

But instead of getting rid of the spies, she chooses to take advantage of them, let them make false reports she implanted, and controlling the flow of information from backstage.

Spy is common for her, in her former life as Angela Samael, she had planted a lot of spies in several countries, most of them were high ranking politicians and businessman, even some of these spies are the presidents and prime ministers who work for her.

The truth is her title as the owner of the world wasn't due to her family wealth, but it was her monopoly of information networks through her organized spies, influence over politics, economic, and military aspects.

With her experience in this field, she thought that getting rid of those spies are wasting precious pawns, it's better to take advantage of them.

"My Lord, is it okay to let her report the situation? because none of us is..."

Lucifer hesitates to say the rest of her sentence but Grizel understood her words.

This situation is undoubtedly suspicious, it should be Grizel died and Phantom survived or otherwise, the chances of both of them survive is not exist from the very beginning, except if something unexpected happened.

And this unexpected thing is the existence of someone capable of removing the slave seal without the master's agreement, this power will certainly cause a commotion among slave traders and their customers which are mostly nobles.

This information could be more complicated if it was leaked from this household, they will suspect this family.

"It's alright, I have secured our escape route"

Grizel lips curl up and forming an evil smile, Lucifer gets a goosebump witnessing the angel turns into a devil.

Grizel opens her left palm, a dark mist pours out rapidly from the ring at her pinky, soon it covers the whole mansion and the surrounding area, the mist is barely seen from afar because of the night.



The sounds of people falling onto the floor are echoed through the mansion, all leaving beings in this area including Lucifer are suddenly fell into a deep slumber.

It was a sleeping gas from a monster in the forest of demise she managed to hunt, ever since she got the Gluttony power, she gained rapid growth in leveling up and absorbed each type of monster exists in the forest to seize their ability.

Grizel implants her illusion magic in the form of dreams to all living things in her surrounding, the illusion was contained a failed assassination scene.

Naturally, this scale of magic is impossible for a Rogue Class awakener like her, but she has an enormous amount of mana due to the ancient method she had practiced since she was in the cradle.

Rogue Class awakeners are people who have the highest physical attack compared to other classes, but some of them also have support magics such as acceleration, illusion, high sense, night vision, etc.

But due to the lack of mana, this support magic can only be used on a limited time or a small scale, even if they have the highest physical attack, the Rogue Class has the lowest amount of mana.

Fortunately, this kind of common sense doesn't apply to Grizel who has both of the highest physical attack and an enormous amount of mana, she can use magic better than any average Wizard class awakeners.


That night the whole people in the mansion have the same dream that feels like reality, the dream of a failed assassination attempt on the only daughter of Von Belial Archdukedom, the crying Miss Grizel, and the heroic Emma who saved the little Miss by injuring the assassin, unfortunately, when the guards arrived, the assassin has escaped and her whereabouts are still unknown.

That was the new information Grizel planted through the dream to all the people within the range of her illusion.



The commotion of someone breaking vases and other furniture in the room is waking her up, Lucifer pressed her forehead trying to figure out what happened to her.

"Lucy, You are awake?"

It was Grizel, the culprit of the commotion.

"My Lord, what are you doing?"

Lucifer, or now, Lucy is still trying to collect her shattered mind, she didn't know that Grizel gave her the antidote to wake her up earlier than the others.

"Did you see the dream? I am making the prove of the physical fight scene here"

Lucy quickly grasped the situation, the purpose of the dream is to make the people aware of the assassination attempt and what happened afterward, these shattered things in the room served as the physical evidence of the fight between the assassin and the maid.


Lucy swallows her saliva after hearing her lord's nonchalant words as if it was nothing, for her, this is none other than a huge scale of memory manipulation.

Memory is a precious thing that makes humans alive, people are living with and through memory, and the 6 years old child in front of her easily changes those memories.

'As expected of my lord'

She chirped happily before getting up and walk towards Grizel.

"My Lord, what can I do to help you?"

"I've finished the preparation, for the time being, you just have to hide, even though I made a vague appearance of the assassin in my illusion, some people may still recognize your appearance, I can change it with my illusion but it will be suspicious if I take you right after the assassination"

Grizel pours the blood of a monster from her spatial storage to make the scene more realistic, she is grateful for the undeveloped technology in this era didn't have a thing called DNA test.

"Ah, before you go hiding, can you beat up that maid a little bit, just to make sure she felt like been damaged by you in the fight"


The lunatic smile once again appears on Lucy's face.

"Hey, Don't you dare to kill our main hero of the night!"

To be continued...

To be continued

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