38| Migraine (Zayn)

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Sorry for not updating in a while!
However today marks 5 years since the release of Mind Of Mine... what's your favourite song from the album MoM?

Zayn couldn't even begin to describe the pain in his head. It was awful, making him feel too sick to move. It probably didn't help he'd been feeling quite stressed recently, and sleep was the last thing on his mind.

So he lay there in bed, body sweating profusely, temperature definitely way too high for his own good. The lights were off — anything but darkness caused him to shrink into his own body.

His hand lay flat against his stomach, the past hour he'd been feeling horribly nauseous, stomach tending under his palm.

He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths, trying to think of anything but the constant pounding and throbbing of his migraine. Every time he moved he felt as if he was going to throw up, head ready to burst.

He groaned when his bedroom door opened, wincing when Louis spoke a "morning...well actually it's the afternoon...but we're all watching a movie mate."

Zayn didn't want to watch a movie, not when he was feeling as if his head was being hit repeatedly over and over again. "Yeah..." Zayn breathed, swallowing harshly, "I'll be there in a second."

All Zayn wanted to do was crawl under his bedsheets, stay away from any sounds or light, and sleep.

But no.

Because now he'd just agreed to watching a movie with the lads, he couldn't say no after saying yes.

Sitting up slowly, he clutched his head in agony, "fucking hell..." he mumbled, fingers gently massaging at his temple.

He didn't feel the need to dress up for a film that was only downstairs so he stayed in his loose shirt and sweats, pushing his phone into his pocket and heading downstairs.

His head spun and tears pricked at his eyes as he slowly walked to the kitchen. He didn't feel right at all. He searched for a glass, filling it with ice cold water and taking a sip. It felt nice against his throat but, did nothing for his head.

He searched some more for some medication, sighing in relief when he found some. He took two, hoping they'd do the trick, swallowing them down with the water he'd just got.

Before leaving to join Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall, Zayn rested his head in his arms. Taking a few deep breaths, he closed his eyes and wished his pained head would go away.

"You coming mate?" Niall called, snapping Zayn out from his little moment. He really didn't want to watch this film anymore.

"What are we watching?" He asked as he sat beside Harry and Liam, trying to not look uncomfortable. His stomach was still swirling and he had to keep swallowing just so nothing would come up.

"Avengers." Liam answered for him, and Zayn cursed to himself — of course it'd be a film with loud action scenes. Great. He was looking forward to this, really.

Time skip...

The film had barely been in half an hour and Zayn was completely dreading it. He kept a firm grip on the glass in his hands, sipping the water every other minute.

His migraine had yet to subside and occasionally he'd get the sickly feeling in his stomach. How the boys hadn't noticed his clearly sweating face was a mystery.

The irritably loud sound of bullets firing and screaming echoed throughout the living room. All four other boys were happily engrossed with the film, completely oblivious to the fact Zayn felt like crying.

Zayn sighed unintentionally and Harry turned to look at him, "you alright mate?" No, of course he wasn't. "Mhm." He hummed, even the sound of his own voice made him want to curl up into a ball.

"No you're not, what's wrong?" He asked, and Louis paused the film, meaning all eyes were on him. Zayn knew that his face was pale, eyes bloodshot, hair almost stuck to his head due to the sweating that was occurring.

"Just got a migraine is all," he told them, arms wrapping around his stomach when it lurched at the word 'migraine'.

"Ah Mate, you should've told us, we wouldn't have made you watch this." Liam sympathised, resting a hand on Zayn's back, giving him a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna go to bed I think." Zayn stood up, gulping when the room seemed to spin for a second.

"Feel better soon." Harry called as Zayn left the four, the words rang in his head, brain rattling against his skull with each thought.

He laid in his room for a while, soon drifting off into a not so peaceful sleep.

Time skip...

He awoke when the sudden need to throw up overtook his body. Within seconds he was kneeling in front of the toilet bowl, gasping for breaths as the saliva pooled in his mouth.

The boys must have heard his sudden outburst, because Louis was rubbing his back softly while he retched loudly.

His knuckles were white as he held in tightly to the toilet, skin ridden in goosebumps as his shirt stuck to his skin. He felt disgusting, but couldn't do much as all the water he'd drank was spilling from his mouth at a worryingly fast rate.

Louis comforted him the best he could with, "it's alright...let it out." Or by rubbing small circles on his upper back.

Zayn felt exhausted as he gagged one last time, pulling away and flushing the toilet as he sunk back against the wall. Surprisingly, since throwing up, his headache was barely there.

Louis sat opposite him, worried look on his face. Liam passed Louis a glass of water to give to Zayn which he took thankfully, ridding the taste in his mouth.

"Fucking hell..." was all Zayn could say, slightly breathless, slightly sweaty and definitely ready to sleep. He could barely keep his eyes open as he sat the glass down and took off his shirt, passing it to Louis who threw it in for the washing machine.

"I'd say it's best you just rest now." Louis suggested, and Zayn nodded, all he wanted was sleep.

Harry helped Zayn to his bed, Niall having helped clean up his room a bit whilst he was throwing up. The curtains were drawn and no lights were switched on which was just what he wanted.

Zayn barely muttered out a "thanks boys" before finally going to sleep, headache dying down and stomach no longer hurting.

Sorry this isn't my best, was a little rushed, hope you enjoyed anyways :)))

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