1| Sick (Niall)

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First one, hope you enjoy !!

Niall tossed and turned in his bed, the bed sheets seemed to swallow him uncomfortably. He frowned, eyes still closed, he didn't want to wake up just yet.

He sighed as he reached for his phone, the light from his screen causing him to wince. The time read 5:07 am, he was never up this early unless he had to be. Why would he be awake now? He thought to himself. His question was answered when he heard his stomach gurgle and an unsettling feeling appeared.

Surely he wasn't sick, he couldn't be ill. Bringing his hand up to his forehead, he realised just how sweaty he actually was. Niall tossed off his shirt and sank back down into his mattress, he sighed again as his stomach gurgled another time. Placing his hand on his whining gut, he began to rub it slightly, hoping it would ease the uneasy sensation.

By 5:40 am, Niall had fallen back asleep, still his hand rested upon his stomach as it continued to whine and rumble throughout the early hours of the morning.

Time skip...

When Niall awoke again, it was a much more reasonable time. He noticed how he felt much worse, even after praying that going back to sleep would do him good. Every bone in Niall's body seemed to ache, there was no way he was going to be able to make it through the day. He was exhausted and he'd only just woken up.

Niall sat up slowly, clutching his stomach as the movement made him feel slightly nauseous. Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, he took a breath, he felt so miserable and tired. Standing up carefully, he stretched his arms. Only he regretted it after, a strong wave of nausea took over him and he rushed to the bathroom.

Kneeling in front of the toilet bowl, Niall clutched at the sides. He absolutely hated being sick, I mean didn't everyone? He closed his eyes, trying to forget the feeling bubbling up inside of him. Eventually the nauseous feeling passed, and luckily nothing had come up. Niall rested his head against his arms, sighing for what felt like the hundredth time.

Looking in the mirror, he noticed his pale complexion. He noticed how his hair seemed to stick to his sweaty forehead. The bags under his eyes were very visible, almost as if he'd been punched in the face. 

Picking up his toothbrush, Niall applied some toothpaste and began to brush his teeth. Somehow this action resulted in him gagging, the nauseating feeling returned, and like that he was back in front of the toilet.

Again, similar to before, nothing came up. Niall could only spit out the toothpaste that was in his mouth before. He groaned and flushed the toilet, now he felt even worse. His stomach cramped ten times worse and his head pounded like crazy. It was going to be a long day.

Time skip...

After slipping on a loose shirt and some sweats, Niall decided he might feel a little better if he had something to drink, maybe even to eat. He opened his bedroom door to be greeted by Zayn walking down the hallway, "Mornin'" Zayn mumbled, bed hair all over the place. Niall nodded in response and trudged downstairs, to which he heard the rest of the boys.

Walking into the kitchen, Niall was hit with a mixture of smells of breakfast foods; eggs, bacon, pancakes...It made his stomach turn horribly. "Niall! Your awake." Liam said, yet it seemed to echo in Niall's skull, making him wince and bring a hand up to his head. "You alright?" Harry piped in, noticing how Niall didn't seem like Niall. Niall shrugged his shoulders at the stares of the boys, "m'head hurts a bit." He told them. "Sit down, I'll get you something." Liam instructed, Niall didn't have to be told twice. His weight seemed triple what it normally was, making his feet feel heavy, and he noticed how he'd begun to sway after a while of standing up.

Louis placed a plate of hot eggs and bacon in front of Niall, to which Niall turned away. "C'mon mate, you can't go with an empty stomach." Louis said as Liam passed him a glass of water and some paracetamol. "Yeah, it's best if your eat something Nialler." Harry agreed. Niall slouched in his seat and shovelled a forkful of steaming eggs into his mouth before taking the pills.

Niall had begun to wish he didn't eat the forkful of egg or take the medication all together. It seemed to swirl in the pit of his stomach, he'd never felt more sick in his life. With the amount of times he'd nearly thrown up, he was surprised he hadn't. Pushing the plate away from him, Niall rested his head in his arms. He was ready to go to bed.

"Liam..." Harry signalled to Niall's physique, observing how his head sank into his arms, how his shoulders were hunched over in what must have been an uncomfortable way and how the paleness of his skin stood out like snow. Something had been wrong with their Niall all morning and it wasn't just a headache.

Liam reached to feel for Niall's temperature, the heat was practically radiating off of the poor boy. Liam frowned when his palm touched Niall's head, his skin was pale and sweaty and he was hot to the touch. "Somethings not right...I think he's sick." Louis sat up in his chair, "yeah, I think that too, he didn't even touch breakfast." Liam nodded as he ran his hands through the boys hair, attempting to remove it from his sticky forehead.

The relaxing silence was interrupted when Niall sprung up from his seat. He placed a hand over his mouth, breath catching in his throat. He was going to be sick, about time too. "Niall..?" Louis asked concerned, he didn't get an answer as Niall ran for the bathroom. Niall's hand grabbed at his stomach, the other covering his mouth. He wasn't sure he'd make it in time.

He did.

Collapsing in front of the toilet, Niall's breathing quickened. Stomach twisting and turning, he groaned and whined as saliva pooled in his mouth. It was coming and he didn't know if he was glad or not.

Niall let out a horrid cough before his stomach brought up everything he'd eaten in the past 24 hours. The bathroom door opened and Zayn appeared next to him, quick to place a hand on Niall's back. Niall shook his head, eyes wide, "please...I don't want to cause a fuss." Zayn couldn't help but chuckle, "it's alright Niall, just let it out." The bathroom consisted of Niall's gags and painful retches, Zayn continued to rub his hand across Niall's back, a worried look on his face. He wasn't sure someone could be sick as much as Niall had just been.

"Is he alright Zayn?" Harry questioned from outside the door. Zayn could barely get out an answer of "yes." before Niall was heaving into the toilet bowl yet again, "uh...scratch that, no." Zayn breathed. "I'll tell the others and get Niall some water." "Thanks." Zayn spoke, watching as his Irish friend sat back against the cold tiles of the wall. He breathed heavily, eyes closed. If he was tired before, he was drained now. Every spark of energy seemed to have gone, he just wanted to get to bed. Zayn flushed the toilet and kept a watchful eye on a sleepy Niall.

Niall tried to stand up but Zayn held him down, "hang on mate, you've just thrown up your whole stomach, give yourself a second to get your strength back." He advised. Niall gave in and slumped back against the wall. Harry shortly returned with the glass of water, followed by the other boys. "Just sip it ni, yeah." Niall shakily brought the cold glass up to his lips, the water refreshed him instantly. He felt a little more awake than before, but he was still ready to sleep for a lifetime. When Niall was finished with his drink, Zayn took it from him and held it in his hands. "C'mere we'll help you up." Liam said, holding up one side of Niall whilst Louis held the other.

Together they took Niall to his bed, Zayn and Harry followed, making sure that everything was comfortable for him. Zayn grabbed a bucket from under the kitchen sink for just in case and Harry picked up a new shirt for Niall to wear seeing as his previous one was sweaty and probably had sick on it.

Niall was only sick a couple more times, it was only a 24 hour bug. However the boys made sure he was okay at all times and Niall couldn't have thanked the boys enough for making him feel better.

So that was my first sickfic, how'd you like it ? Please tell me if I need to improve on anything !! Reminder that requests are open, just tell me the boy and the scenario, sick or hurt :)

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