42| Sick On Tour (Louis)

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Request from : JessicaKarlen6
Hope you enjoy it!!

Feeling ill was horrible, stomach cramping, sweating profusely, feeling too hot, feeling too cold. Really, really awful.

Feeling ill, on a compact tour bus, with no stopping was Louis' very own nightmare. The winding roads were only worsening his stomach ache, and already he felt fatigued.

"You alright lou?" Niall asked, slight worried look on his face.

Louis was sat almost uncomfortably on the small sofa they owned in the corner of the bus, limbs stretched out as he placed a hand on his stomach, the other covering his face.

"No.." he mumbled, swallowing harshly at the feeling of bile threatening to make its way up his throat.

He could feel his heart beating in his ears, he could feel how his hair stuck messily to his clammy forehead. God, he felt dreadful.

Niall assumed that the constant turning and curving of the bus was causing Louis to feel ill, and he wasn't exactly wrong. Only, Louis had started to feel sick at the start of their many-hours-long journey. At first it was only a small headache, a little tiredness springing from his bones, wearing him down. Louis just waved it off as heavy exhaustion.

Now, he felt what he imagined was one hundred time's worse. The general unwell feeling stuck with him instead of leaving and returning.

"Why don't you sit up, mate." Zayn suggested as he entered the narrow room, of what the boys called 'the living room'.

Louis didn't want to sit up, his bones were aching and begging for some sense of relaxation. Mind fogging over as his headache threatened to return.

"It's just, if you face the way we're going it might help." Zayn spoke up again. Plenty of times he'd fallen travel sick, and one thing his mum always taught him to do, was look out the window. He supposed it gave a comforting feeling of direction.

Louis just groaned, feeling ready to cry and never stop. He hated that feeling ill meant also feeling completely and utterly miserable.

However as much as his aching bones protested, Louis wanted to feel better. He'd rather feel achy then sick. So, keeping his eyes closed — the light too bright to bear — he held his hands out for the two boys to grab.

When they both did, the duo simultaneously feeling the unhealthy warmth of Louis' skin, they gently sat him up into a better position.

Immediately Louis was hit with a wave of dizziness, his body swaying slightly. It felt horrible and all he wanted was to lay back down again. The swirling in his stomach increased as the swirling in his head calmed slowly.

He didn't realise that both Niall and Zayn were grasping his arms tightly, concerned looks on their faces, until he squinted his eyes open, head burning due to the light.

"You went a bit funny on us then Louis," Niall mumbled, voice quiet as if he knew Louis' head was playing him up, and for that Louis inwardly thanked him. "Do you want us to stop for a bit?"

He did. He really, really did more than anything in the world, want the damned bus to stop so he could catch his breath and soothe his stomach.

"No, it's fine. 'M good, just felt a little light headed." Louis practically slurred, voice very much unlike his own usual cheery tone.

It wasn't fine though...but Louis didn't want to have to stop just because his stomach was too weak to deal with winding roads. He didn't want to disappoint the lads and slow down the process of actually getting where they needed to be. They had a strict schedule, and Louis could only suck up his sick feeling and get on with it.

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